Seattle Mariners Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Seattle Mariners, a team based in Seattle, Washington, sport navy blue, Northwest green, silver, and red as their team colors. These colors are available in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats below. Their primary competitors are the Los Angeles Angels.

Seattle Mariners Primary Logo Colors

The Seattle Mariners utilize a distinctive palette for their primary logo colors. The official colors include Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. Each color corresponds to specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes essential for accurate reproduction in digital and print media.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Ensure accurate representation by using the above codes for the Seattle Mariners colors in any creative project.

Seattle Mariners Retro Logo Colors

The Seattle Mariners retro logo colors capture the classic appeal of the team’s earlier aesthetics. This palette includes Royal Blue, Gold, and Trident Blue. Each color showcases specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes to ensure faithful reproductions in all formats.

Royal Blue:


Trident Blue:

Use these color codes for the Seattle Mariners retro logo to maintain visual consistency in promotional materials and fan merchandise.

Seattle Mariners Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The Seattle Mariners official colors are Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. These colors are vital for brand consistency across all media. Below are the color specifications in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX formats.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


Pantone: 877 C
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Employ these color codes for the Seattle Mariners to achieve accurate and consistent color representation in your projects.

ColorPantone CodeHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK Code
Navy Blue289 C#0C2C56(12, 44, 86)(100, 80, 0, 60)
Northwest Green7716 C#005C5C(0, 92, 92)(100, 0, 30, 70)
Silver877 C#C4CED4(196, 206, 212)(10, 0, 0, 20)

Seattle Mariners Pantone Color Codes

The Seattle Mariners MLB team Pantone colors are PMS 289 C for navy blue, PMS 7716 C for Northwest green, PMS 877 C for silver.

The Seattle Mariners have designated Pantone colors that precisely match their team identity. These colors are essential for maintaining consistency in team branding and merchandise. The primary colors in the Seattle Mariners’ palette are Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver, represented by their specific Pantone codes.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


Pantone: 877 C

Employ these Pantone codes for the Seattle Mariners colors to ensure accurate color matching in all design projects.

ColorPantone Code
Navy Blue289 C
Northwest Green7716 C
Silver877 C

Seattle Mariners Color Codes HEX

The Seattle Mariners colors HEX codes are #0C2C56 for navy blue, #005C5C for Northwest green, and #C4CED4 for silver.

The Seattle Mariners Pantone color codes accurately reflect the team’s official colors. These specific codes are essential for maintaining brand consistency across all formats and products. The primary colors are Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:



Seattle Mariners designers and product developers should use these Pantone codes to ensure the integrity of the team’s colors.

ColorHEX Code
Navy Blue#0C2C56
Northwest Green#005C5C

Seattle Mariners Color Codes RGB

The Seattle Mariners colors RGB codes are (12, 44, 86) for navy blue, (0, 92, 92) for Northwest green, (196, 206, 212) for silver.

The Seattle Mariners RGB color codes are precise and standardized to represent the team’s visual identity accurately. These RGB values are essential for digital and electronic displays, including screens, web development, and video productions. The primary colors include Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


RGB: (196, 206, 212)

Seattle Mariners graphics and digital content creators must use these RGB codes to maintain color consistency across all digital media.

ColorRGB Code
Navy Blue(12, 44, 86)
Northwest Green(0, 92, 92)
Silver(196, 206, 212)

Seattle Mariners Color Codes CMYK

The Seattle Mariners colors CMYK codes are (100, 80, 00, 60) for navy blue, (100, 00, 30, 70) for Northwest green, (10, 00, 00, 20) for silver.

The Seattle Mariners CMYK color codes are critical for print materials where color accuracy is paramount. These codes ensure that all Seattle Mariners branded materials are uniform in color. The primary colors are Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Seattle Mariners merchandise and promotional items must feature these CMYK codes to preserve the integrity of the team’s colors in printed form.

ColorCMYK Code
Navy Blue(100, 80, 0, 60)
Northwest Green(100, 0, 30, 70)
Silver(10, 0, 0, 20)

Seattle Mariners Logo Colors

The Seattle Mariners utilize a distinctive palette for their primary logo colors. The official colors include Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. Each color corresponds to specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes essential for accurate reproduction in digital and print media.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Ensure accurate representation by using the above codes for the Seattle Mariners colors in any creative project.

The Seattle Mariners logo features a compass rose encircling a baseball, symbolizing the team’s maritime heritage and spirit of adventure. The primary colors used in the Seattle Mariners logo are Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. These colors represent the depths of the ocean and the technological prowess of the Pacific Northwest.

Navy Blue dominates the logo’s palette, highlighting the compass and text, while Northwest Green accents the compass’s directional markers. Silver outlines and complements the overall design, adding a modern, sleek edge that reflects the innovative spirit of Seattle.

Seattle Mariners’ logo designers must adhere to the official color codes to ensure consistency and brand integrity:

Navy Blue:

HEX #0C2C56, RGB (12, 44, 86), CMYK (100, 80, 0, 60)

Northwest Green: HEX #005C5C, RGB (0, 92, 92), CMYK (100, 0, 30, 70)

Silver: HEX #C4CED4, RGB (196, 206, 212), CMYK (10, 0, 0, 20)

The precise use of these colors maintains the visual impact of the Seattle Mariners’ logo across all media.

Seattle Mariners Logo Fonts

The Seattle Mariners logo utilizes custom fonts that are bold and modern, reflecting the team’s dynamic identity. The primary typefaces are a serif for the team name and a sans-serif for player names and numbers. These fonts ensure legibility and visual impact on uniforms, merchandise, and promotional materials.

Team Name Font:

Style: Custom Serif

Features: Sharp edges and bold lines to enhance visibility and impact.

Player Names and Numbers Font:

Style: Custom Sans-Serif

Features: Sleek, clean lines that offer high readability from a distance.

The Seattle Mariners media creators must use these specific fonts to maintain uniformity and brand consistency across all platforms. The combination of these typefaces with the team’s color palette—Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver—solidifies the Mariners’ visual brand.

Navy Blue:

Northwest Green:


RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Employing these fonts with the designated color codes will ensure the Seattle Mariners’ communications are cohesive and resonate with the audience.

Seattle Mariners Logo JPG

Download the Seattle Mariners logo in JPG format for versatile use in documents and presentations where file size and compatibility matter.

Seattle Mariners Logo JPG

Seattle Mariners Logo PNG

Get the Seattle Mariners logo in PNG format, ideal for applications requiring a transparent background for clean, professional integration.

Seattle Mariners Logo PNG

Seattle Mariners Jersey

The Seattle Mariners jersey features the team’s official colors: Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. These colors are strategically placed to embody the team’s identity and to enhance visual appeal during games. The jerseys ensure that players are recognizable and stylish on the field.

Home Jersey:

Primary Color: Navy Blue

Accents: Northwest Green and Silver

Away Jersey:

Primary Color: Gray (with Navy Blue identifiers)

Accents: Northwest Green

Seattle Mariners ensure the use of these specific color codes on all jerseys to maintain consistency and brand integrity. The precise application of Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver, along with the custom fonts, solidifies the visual impact of the Seattle Mariners’ uniforms. This strategy supports brand recognition and team spirit both on and off the field.

Seattle Mariners flag

Seattle Mariners Flag

The Seattle Mariners flag proudly displays the team’s official colors: Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver. These colors symbolize the maritime heritage and the spirited ethos of the Seattle Mariners. The flag is used to represent the team during games and other official events.

Flag Design:

Background: Navy Blue

Pattern: Diagonal Stripes in Northwest Green and Silver

Northwest Green:


RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 0, 0, 20)

Seattle Mariners fans raise this flag to show their support and pride, especially during key matches and community gatherings. The Seattle Mariners ensure these color codes and designs are consistent across all merchandise to strengthen team identity and fan loyalty. This consistent use of Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver promotes a strong, unified brand image.


The Seattle Mariners colors of Navy Blue, Northwest Green, and Silver not only highlight the team’s nautical roots but also enhance their modern and dynamic image. These colors are standardized across all platforms using specific Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes, which are essential for creating consistent and recognizable branding. Whether for digital media, print, or team merchandise, adhering to these color codes ensures that the Seattle Mariners’ visual identity remains strong and unified, rallying fans and embodying the spirit of Seattle’s baseball team.