The Georgia Southern Eagles colors are blue, gray, and old gold. These colors are used across uniforms, merchandise, and branding materials to create a consistent visual identity. Below are the Georgia Southern Eagles’ team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. Hailing from Statesboro, Georgia, the Eagles have a fierce rivalry with the Appalachian State Mountaineers.
Georgia Southern Eagles Primary Logo Colors
Hex Color: #011e41;
RGB: (1, 30, 65)
CMYK: (100, 87, 47, 52)
Hex Color: #A3AAAE;
RGB: (163, 170, 174)
CMYK: (38, 27, 27, 0)
Old Gold
Hex Color: #87714D;
RGB: (135, 113, 77)
CMYK: (43, 48, 74, 18)
Georgia Southern Eagles Pantone Color Codes
The Georgia Southern Eagles NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 282 C for blue, PMS 429 C for gray, and PMS 872 C for old gold.
PMS 282 C
PMS 429 C
Old Gold.
PMS 872 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Blue | PMS 282 C |
Gray | PMS 429 C |
Old Gold | PMS 872 C |
Georgia Southern Eagles Color Codes HEX
The Georgia Southern Eagles colors HEX codes are #011E41 for blue, #A3AAAE for gray, and #87714D for old gold.
Old Gold.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Blue | #011E41 |
Gray | #A3AAAE |
Old Gold | #87714D |
Georgia Southern Eagles Color Codes RGB
The Georgia Southern Eagles colors RGB codes are (1, 30, 65) for blue, (163, 170, 174) for gray, and (135, 113, 77) for old gold colour.
(1, 30, 65)
(163, 170, 174)
Old Gold.
(135, 113, 77)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Blue | (1, 30, 65) |
Gray | (163, 170, 174) |
Old Gold | (135, 113, 77) |
Georgia Southern Eagles Color Codes CMYK
The Georgia Southern Eagles colors CMYK codes are (100, 87, 47, 52) for blue, (38, 27, 27, 0) for gray, and (43, 48, 74, 18) for old gold color.
(100, 87, 47, 52)
(38, 27, 27, 0)
Old Gold.
(43, 48, 74, 18)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Blue | (100, 87, 47, 52) |
Gray | (38, 27, 27, 0) |
Old Gold | (43, 48, 74, 18) |
Georgia Southern Eagles Logo Colors
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo features blue, gray, and old gold as its official colors. The blue is represented by Pantone PMS 282 C, with a Hex code of #011E41, RGB values of (1, 30, 65), and a CMYK breakdown of (100, 87, 47, 52). The gray is specified as Pantone PMS 429 C, with a Hex code of #A3AAAE, RGB values of (163, 170, 174), and a CMYK mix of (38, 27, 27, 0). The old gold is identified by Pantone PMS 872 C, featuring a Hex code of #87714D, RGB values of (135, 113, 77), and a CMYK composition of (43, 48, 74, 18).
Georgia Southern Eagles Logo
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo is a bold representation of the university’s athletic spirit and identity. It prominently features the team’s signature colors—blue, white, and gold—symbolizing strength, unity, and excellence. The logo’s design incorporates an eagle, reflecting agility and determination. Its sharp lines and dynamic form emphasize the team’s competitive edge in collegiate sports. Each element of the logo is carefully crafted to embody pride and tradition. It stands as a visual rallying point for fans, athletes, and the Georgia Southern community.
Georgia Southern Eagles Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Georgia Southern Eagles Logo Fonts
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo fonts are an integral part of their iconic visual identity. Featuring bold and dynamic typography, the fonts complement the team’s official colors: blue, white, and gold. These colors symbolize pride, strength, and tradition. The logo fonts are designed to evoke energy and athleticism, aligning with the Eagles’ competitive spirit. They pair seamlessly with the swooping eagle emblem, enhancing the overall branding. The use of these fonts in team merchandise, marketing materials, and stadium graphics reinforces the Georgia Southern Eagles’ identity. This creates a cohesive and recognizable presence for fans and competitors alike.
Georgia Southern Eagles Logo JPG
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo JPG format can be found below.

Georgia Southern Eagles Logo PNG
The Georgia Southern Eagles logo PNG format can be found below.