Oklahoma City Thunder Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The official colors of the Oklahoma City Thunder are Thunder blue, blue, sunset, and yellow. Each color is carefully chosen to reflect the team’s dynamic and energetic style. You can find the Hex, RGB, and CMYK values for these colors below. Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the Thunder’s main rivals are the Memphis Grizzlies.

Oklahoma City Thunder Primary Logo Colors

The primary colors of the Oklahoma City Thunder are as follows.

RGB: (253, 187, 48)
CMYK: (0, 29, 91, 0)

Oklahoma City Thunder color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameRGB Color CodeCMYK Color CodePantone Color CodeHEX Color Code
Thunder Blue(0, 125, 195)(89, 43, 0, 0)PMS 285 C#007AC1
Sunset(239, 59, 36)(0, 92, 100, 0)PMS WARM RED C#EF3B24
Blue(0, 45, 98)(100, 68, 54, 0)PMS 282 C#002D62
Yellow(253, 187, 48)(0, 29, 91, 0)PMS 1235 C#FDBB30

Oklahoma City Thunder Pantone Color Codes

The Pantone colors for the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA team are PMS 285 C for Thunder blue, PMS 282 C for blue, PMS WARM RED C for sunset, and PMS 1235 C for yellow.

Thunder blue.




PMS 1235 C

Color NamePantone Color Code
Thunder bluePMS 285 C
BluePMS 282 C
YellowPMS 1235 C

Oklahoma City Thunder Color Codes HEX

The HEX color codes for the Oklahoma City Thunder are #007AC1 for Thunder blue, #002D62 for blue, #EF3B24 for sunset, and #FDBB30 for yellow.

Thunder blue.





Color NameHEX Color Code
Thunder blue#007AC1

Oklahoma City Thunder Color Codes RGB

The RGB color codes for the Oklahoma City Thunder are as follows: Thunder blue is (0, 125, 195), blue is (0, 45, 98), sunset is (239, 59, 36), and yellow is (253, 187, 48).

Thunder blue.




(253, 187, 48)

Color NameRGB Color Code
Thunder blue(0, 125, 195)
Blue(0, 45, 98)
Sunset(239, 59, 36)
Yellow(253, 187, 48)

Oklahoma City Thunder Color Codes CMYK

The Oklahoma City Thunder’s CMYK color codes are (89, 43, 0, 0) for Thunder blue, (100, 68, 54, 0) for blue, (0, 92, 100, 0) for sunset, and (0, 29, 91, 0) for yellow.

Thunder blue.




(0, 29, 91, 0)

Color NameCMYK Color Code
Thunder blue(89, 43, 0, 0)
Blue(100, 68, 54, 0)
Sunset(0, 92, 100, 0)
Yellow(0, 29, 91, 0)

Oklahoma City Thunder Logo Colors

The Oklahoma City Thunder logo features the colors Thunder blue, blue, sunset, and yellow. The color codes for Thunder blue are Pantone: PMS 285 C, Hex: #007AC1, RGB: (0, 125, 195), and CMYK: (89, 43, 0, 0). The codes for blue are Pantone: PMS 282 C, Hex: #002D62, RGB: (0, 45, 98), and CMYK: (100, 68, 54, 0). The sunset color codes are Pantone: PMS WARM RED C, Hex: #EF3B24, RGB: (239, 59, 36), and CMYK: (0, 92, 100, 0). Lastly, the yellow color codes are Pantone: PMS 1235 C, Hex: #FDBB30, RGB: (253, 187, 48), and CMYK: (0, 29, 91, 0).

The Oklahoma City Thunder logo features a vibrant shield design. The shield showcases a dynamic basketball with bolts of lightning, symbolizing energy and speed. The primary colors are blue, orange, and yellow, reflecting the team’s lively and bold spirit. Blue represents trust and loyalty, while orange and yellow signify enthusiasm and optimism. The logo is a strong visual identity for the Thunder, encapsulating their powerful presence on and off the court.

Oklahoma City Thunder Logo Color Palette Image Format

Below is an image showcasing the colors of the Oklahoma City Thunder logo.

Oklahoma City Thunder Logo Fonts

The Oklahoma City Thunder logo fonts are bold and dynamic. These fonts mirror the energy and spirit of the team. The primary font is a custom typeface, which emphasizes strength and athleticism. The sharp edges and strong lines reflect the thunderous impact the team aims to have on the court.

Oklahoma City Thunder Logo JPG

The Oklahoma City Thunder logo JPG format can be found below.

To download the Oklahoma City Thunder logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.

Oklahoma City Thunder Logo PNG

The Oklahoma City Thunder logo PNG format can be found below.

To download the Oklahoma City Thunder logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.

Oklahoma City Thunder Jersey 2022

The Oklahoma City Thunder Jersey 2022 features a sleek and modern design. The primary color is a vibrant blue, symbolizing the team’s energy and spirit. The secondary colors, orange and navy, add bold accents, creating a striking contrast.

The jersey includes subtle details, such as the Thunder’s logo on the chest and a unique pattern inspired by Oklahoma’s heritage. The fabric is lightweight and breathable, ensuring comfort for both players and fans. The 2022 design reflects a blend of tradition and innovation, making it a standout in the NBA.

Categories NBA