The Washington Wizards’ team colors are navy blue, red, silver, and white. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK values for these colors. The Washington Wizards are based in Washington, D.C., and their biggest rivals are the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Washington Wizards Primary Logo Colors
Washington Wizards primary logo colors include the following HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes:
Navy Blue
HEX: #002B5C
RGB: (0, 43, 92)
CMYK: (100, 91, 38, 29)
HEX: #E31837
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
CMYK: (2, 99, 85, 6)
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 2, 0, 17)
Washington Wizards team uses these colors in their logo to represent strength and dynamism.
Washington Wizards Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX
Washington Wizards color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX are as follows:
Navy Blue
HEX: #002B5C
RGB: (0, 43, 92)
CMYK: (100, 91, 38, 29)
Pantone: 282 C
HEX: #E31837
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
CMYK: (2, 99, 85, 6)
Pantone: 186 C
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 2, 0, 17)
Pantone: 877 C
Washington Wizards utilize these colors for their visual identity and branding purposes.
Color | Pantone | HEX | RGB | CMYK |
Navy Blue | 282 C | #002B5C | (0, 43, 92) | (100, 91, 38, 29) |
Red | 186 C | #E31837 | (227, 24, 55) | (2, 99, 85, 6) |
Silver | 877 C | #C4CED4 | (196, 206, 212) | (10, 2, 0, 17) |
Washington Wizards Pantone Color Codes
The Washington Wizards NBA team Pantone colors are PMS 282 C for navy blue, PMS 186 C for red, and PMS 877 C for silver.
Navy Blue
Pantone: 282 C
Pantone: 186 C
Pantone: 877 C
Washington Wizards use these Pantone colors to ensure consistency across all branding materials.
Color | Pantone |
Navy Blue | 282 C |
Red | 186 C |
Silver | 877 C |
Washington Wizards Color Codes HEX
The Washington Wizards colors HEX codes are #002B5C for navy blue, #E31837 for red, and #C4CED4 for silver.
Navy Blue
HEX: #002B5C
HEX: #E31837
Washington Wizards apply these HEX colors consistently in digital designs and team branding.
Color | HEX |
Navy Blue | #002B5C |
Red | #E31837 |
Silver | #C4CED4 |
Washington Wizards Color Codes RGB
The Washington Wizards colors RGB codes are (0,43,92) for navy blue, (227,24,55) for red, and (196,206,212) for silver colour.
Navy Blue
RGB: (0, 43, 92)
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
Washington Wizards utilize these RGB colors for digital media and electronic displays.
Color | RGB |
Navy Blue | (0, 43, 92) |
Red | (227, 24, 55) |
Silver | (196, 206, 212) |
Washington Wizards Color Codes CMYK
The Washington Wizards colors CMYK codes are (100,91,38,29) for navy blue, (2,99,85,6) for red, and (10,2,0,17) for silver color.
Navy Blue
CMYK: (100, 91, 38, 29)
CMYK: (2, 99, 85, 6)
CMYK: (10, 2, 0, 17)
Washington Wizards employ these CMYK colors for print materials to maintain brand consistency.
Color | CMYK |
Navy Blue | (100, 91, 38, 29) |
Red | (2, 99, 85, 6) |
Silver | (10, 2, 0, 17) |
Washington Wizards Logo Colors
Washington Wizards logo colors are outlined as follows:
Navy Blue
HEX: #002B5C
RGB: (0, 43, 92)
CMYK: (100, 91, 38, 29)
Pantone: 282 C
HEX: #E31837
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
CMYK: (2, 99, 85, 6)
Pantone: 186 C
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 2, 0, 17)
Pantone: 877 C
Washington Wizards use these colors in their logo to create a dynamic and recognizable identity.
Washington Wizards Logo
The Washington Wizards logo colors include the following HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes:
Navy Blue
HEX: #002B5C
RGB: (0, 43, 92)
CMYK: (100, 91, 38, 29)
Pantone: 282 C
HEX: #E31837
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
CMYK: (2, 99, 85, 6)
Pantone: 186 C
RGB: (196, 206, 212)
CMYK: (10, 2, 0, 17)
Pantone: 877 C
Washington Wizards employ these colors in their logo to ensure visual consistency across various media.
Washington Wizards Logo Fonts
The Washington Wizards logo fonts are distinct and modern to complement their branding. The primary font used is bold and angular, reflecting the dynamic nature of the team and its athletic prowess. The secondary font is slightly more rounded, offering a balance and ensuring readability in digital and print formats. Washington Wizards ensure these fonts align with their visual identity, enhancing the team’s presence across all media.
Washington Wizards Logo JPG

Washington Wizards Logo PNG

Washington Wizards Jersey
The Washington Wizards jerseys prominently feature the team colors. The primary jersey is navy blue, providing a strong visual identity on the court. The secondary jersey is red, which symbolizes energy and passion. The accent color, silver, is used for details and trim, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the uniform. Washington Wizards ensure that these colors are consistent with their branding across all merchandise.
Washington Wizards Flag
The Washington Wizards flag incorporates the team’s official colors. The flag features navy blue as the base color, representing strength and reliability. Red accents symbolize passion and vitality, prominent in the team’s ethos. Silver highlights add a touch of elegance and modernity. Washington Wizards use this flag to symbolize unity and pride among fans and players alike.
The Washington Wizards – HEX, RGB, and CMYK – are essential for maintaining brand consistency across various media. Navy Blue, Red, and Silver not only define the team’s visual identity but also reinforce its presence in digital and print formats. Whether you’re designing fan gear, creating promotional materials, or crafting digital content, adhering to these specified colors ensures you capture the true spirit of the Washington Wizards.