The Francis Marion Patriots colors are red and gold. The Francis Marion Patriots Color Codes are essential for accurately representing the team’s brand and identity. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the Francis Marion Patriots. This team hails from Florence, South Carolina, and their primary rivals are the UNC Pembroke Braves.
Francis Marion Patriots Primary Colors
Hex: #B61944
RGB: (182, 25, 68)
CMYK: (0, 100, 45, 12)
Hex: #15569C
RGB: (21, 86, 156)
CMYK: (96, 64, 0, 0)
Francis Marion Patriots Pantone Color Codes
The Francis Marion Patriots NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 7636 C for red and PMS 2133 C for blue.
PMS 7636 C
PMS 2133 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Red | PMS 7636 C |
Blue | PMS 2133 C |
Francis Marion Patriots Color Codes HEX
The Francis Marion Patriots colors HEX codes are #B61944 for red and #15569C for blue.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Red | #B61944 |
Blue | #15569C |
Francis Marion Patriots Color Codes RGB
The Francis Marion Patriots colors RGB codes are (182, 25, 68) for red and (21, 86, 156) for blue colour.
(182, 25, 68)
(21, 86, 156)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Red | (182, 25, 68) |
Blue | (21, 86, 156) |
Francis Marion Patriots Color Codes CMYK
The Francis Marion Patriots colors CMYK codes are (0, 100, 45, 12) for red and (96, 64, 0, 0) for blue color.
(0, 100, 45, 12)
(96, 64, 0, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Red | (0, 100, 45, 12) |
Blue | (96, 64, 0, 0) |
Francis Marion Patriots Logo Colors
The colors of the Francis Marion Patriots logo are red and blue. The red is defined by Pantone PMS 7636 C, with a hex code of #B61944, an RGB value of (182, 25, 68), and a CMYK combination of (0, 100, 45, 12). The blue is specified by Pantone PMS 2133 C, with a hex code of #15569C, an RGB value of (21, 86, 156), and a CMYK breakdown of (96, 64, 0, 0).
Francis Marion Patriots Logo
The Francis Marion Patriots logo is a symbol of pride and tradition for the university’s athletic teams. It prominently features the school’s signature colors—red, white, and blue—creating a bold and dynamic design. These colors are not just visually striking but also represent the spirit and unity of the Francis Marion community. The logo’s design elements, from the patriotic hues to the sharp, clean lines, embody the competitive spirit of the Patriots. This emblem is more than just a mark; it is a visual representation of the pride and legacy of Francis Marion University.
Francis Marion Patriots Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Francis Marion Patriots logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Francis Marion Patriots Logo Fonts
The Francis Marion Patriots logo fonts play a crucial role in creating the team’s visual identity. These fonts complement the Patriots’ official colors, which include red, white, and blue. The typography captures the spirit and tradition of the team, giving it a distinctive look. Each element of the font design is chosen to resonate with the pride and history of Francis Marion University. These fonts are typically bold and dynamic, reflecting the competitive nature of the Patriots on the field. The choice of lettering ensures that the team’s logo is both memorable and easily recognizable.
Francis Marion Patriots Logo JPG
The Francis Marion Patriots logo JPG format can be found below.

Francis Marion Patriots Logo PNG
The Francis Marion Patriots logo PNG format can be found below.