The Hollins University colors are green and yellow. These colors play a crucial role in branding, fostering a sense of pride and unity. The primary color palette consists of distinct hues that are used across various merchandise, uniforms, and promotional materials. Understanding these color codes helps ensure consistency in all graphic design and marketing efforts associated with Hollins University. The team colors for Hollins University are provided below in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. Hollins University, based in Roanoke, VA, competes against notable conference rivals such as Bay Path University, Spelman College Jaguars, and Bryn Mawr College.
Hollins University Primary Colors
Hex: #036451
RGB: (3, 100, 81)
CMYK: (97.0, 0.0, 19.0, 60.78)
PANTONE: PMS Medium Yellow C
Hex: #FDD804
RGB: (253, 216, 4)
CMYK: (0.0, 14.62, 98.42, 0.78)
Hollins University Pantone Color Codes
The Hollins University NCAA team colors in Pantone are PMS 336 C for green and PMS Medium Yellow C for yellow.
PMS 336 C
PMS Medium Yellow C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Green | PMS 336 C |
Yellow | PMS Medium Yellow C |
Hollins University Color Codes HEX
The Hollins University color HEX codes are #036451 for Green and #FDD804 for Yellow.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Green | #036451 |
Yellow | #FDD804 |
Hollins University Color Codes RGB
The Hollins University color RGB codes are (3, 100, 81) for Green and (253, 216, 4) for Yellow.
(3, 100, 81)
(253, 216, 4)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Green | (3, 100, 81) |
Yellow | (253, 216, 4) |
Hollins University Color Codes CMYK
The Hollins University color CMYK codes are are (97.0, 0.0, 19.0, 60.78) for Green and (0.0, 14.62, 98.42, 0.78) for Yellow.
(97.0, 0.0, 19.0, 60.78)
(0.0, 14.62, 98.42, 0.78)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Green | (97.0, 0.0, 19.0, 60.78) |
Yellow | (0.0, 14.62, 98.42, 0.78) |
Hollins University Logo Colors
The colors of the Hollins University logo are Green and Yellow. The Green is represented by Pantone PMS 336 C, with a Hex value of #036451, RGB values of (3, 100, 81), and CMYK values of (97.0, 0.0, 19.0, 60.78). The Yellow is Pantone PMS Medium Yellow C, with a Hex code of #FDD804, RGB values of (253, 216, 4), and CMYK values of (0.0, 14.62, 98.42, 0.78).
Hollins University Logo
The logo features the university’s official colors, which are green and gold. These colors symbolize growth, ambition, and academic excellence. The green color conveys a connection to the lush natural surroundings of the campus, while gold signifies achievement and the high standards upheld by the institution.
Hollins University Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Hollins University logo colors can be found in an image format below.
Hollins University Logo JPG
The Hollins University logo JPG format can be found below.

Hollins University Logo PNG
The Hollins University logo PNG format can be found below.