The Howard Bison colors are dark blue, red, and gray. These color codes are essential for accurately representing the school’s identity. These codes ensure consistency in visual branding across various platforms and media. Understanding and using the correct color codes is crucial for maintaining the integrity of Howard University’s brand. The Hex, RGB, and CMYK values for the Howard Bison team colors are listed below. Based in Washington, D.C., the Howard Bison’s main rivals are the Hampton Pirates.
Howard Bison Primary Colors
The Howard Bison primary colors are.
Dark Blue
Hex COLOR: #003a63;
RGB: (0, 58, 99)
CMYK: (100, 38, 0, 64)
Hex COLOR: #e51937;
RGB: (227, 24, 55)
CMYK: (0, 100, 81, 4)
Hex COLOR: #6a808c;
RGB: (107, 129, 141)
CMYK: (21, 0, 0, 55)
Howard Bison Pantone Color Codes
The Pantone colors for the Howard Bison NCAA team are PMS 2965 C for dark blue, PMS 186 C for red, and PMS 2165 C for gray.
Dark blue.
PMS 2965 C
PMS 186 C
PMS 2165 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Dark blue | PMS 2965 C |
Red | PMS 186 C |
Gray | PMS 2165 C |
Howard Bison Color Codes HEX
The HEX codes for the Howard Bison colors are #003A63 for dark blue, #E51937 for red, and #6A808C for gray.
Dark blue.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Dark blue | #003A63 |
Red | #E51937 |
Gray | #6A808C |
Howard Bison Color Codes RGB
The RGB codes for Howard Bison colors are (0, 58, 99) for dark blue, (227, 24, 55) for red, and (107, 129, 141) for gray.
Dark blue.
(0, 58, 99)
(227, 24, 55)
(107, 129, 141)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Dark blue | (0, 58, 99) |
Red | (227, 24, 55) |
Gray | (107, 129, 141) |
Howard Bison Color Codes CMYK
The CMYK codes for Howard Bison colors are (100, 38, 0, 64) for dark blue, (0, 100, 81, 4) for red, and (21, 0, 0, 55) for gray.
Dark blue.
(100, 38, 0, 64)
(0, 100, 81, 4)
(21, 0, 0, 55)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Dark blue | (100, 38, 0, 64) |
Red | (0, 100, 81, 4) |
Gray | (21, 0, 0, 55) |
Howard Bison Logo Colors
The Howard Bison logo features the colors dark blue, red, and gray. The color code for dark blue is Pantone PMS 2965 C, with the Hex code #003A63, RGB values of (0, 58, 99), and CMYK values of (100, 38, 0, 64). The red color is designated as Pantone PMS 186 C, with a Hex code of #E51937, RGB values of (227, 24, 55), and CMYK values of (0, 100, 81, 4). The gray color is Pantone PMS 2165 C, with the Hex code #6A808C, RGB values of (107, 129, 141), and CMYK values of (21, 0, 0, 55).
Howard Bison Logo
The Howard Bison logo symbolizes the strength and pride of Howard University’s athletic teams. The logo prominently features the bison, an animal representing resilience and power, aligning with the university’s values. The design incorporates Howard’s official colors: navy blue, red, and white. These colors signify loyalty, courage, and purity. The bold and dynamic imagery of the bison captures the competitive spirit of Howard’s sports teams. Overall, the Howard Bison logo serves as a unifying emblem for the university’s community, fostering school spirit and identity.
Howard Bison Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Howard Bison logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Howard Bison Logo Fonts
The font used in the Howard Bison logo is bold and distinctive. It complements the rich hues of the university’s emblematic colors. These colors include the deep navy blue and vibrant red, which reflect the institution’s pride and heritage.
Howard Bison Logo JPG
The Howard Bison logo JPG format can be found below.

Howard Bison Logo PNG
The Howard Bison logo PNG format can be found below.