The Illinois Fighting Illini colors are navy blue and orange. These color codes are an essential aspect of the team’s identity. These codes define the exact shades used in their uniforms, merchandise, and branding. Below are the Illinois Fighting Illini team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. Based in Champaign, Illinois, the Illinois Fighting Illini have a fierce rivalry with the Northwestern Wildcats.
Illinois Fighting Illini Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Illinois Fighting Illini can be found in the table below.
Navy Blue
Hex Color: #13294b;
RGB: (19, 41, 75)
CMYK:(100, 90, 10, 77)
Hex Code: #E84A27;
RGB: (232, 74, 39)
CMYK: (1, 83, 85, 0)
Illinois Fighting Illini Pantone Color Codes
The Pantone colors for the Illinois Fighting Illini NCAA team are PMS 2767 C for navy blue and PMS 7417 C for orange.
Navy blue.
PMS 2767 C
PMS 7417 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Navy blue | PMS 2767 C |
Orange | PMS 7417 C |
Illinois Fighting Illini Color Codes HEX
The HEX codes for the Illinois Fighting Illini colors are #13294B for navy blue and #E84A27 for orange.
Navy blue.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Navy blue | #13294B |
Orange | #E84A27 |
Illinois Fighting Illini Color Codes RGB
The RGB codes for the Illinois Fighting Illini colors are (19, 41, 75) for navy blue and (232, 74, 39) for orange.
Navy blue.
(19, 41, 75)
(232, 74, 39)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Navy blue | (19, 41, 75) |
Orange | (232, 74, 39) |
Illinois Fighting Illini Color Codes CMYK
The Illinois Fighting Illini colors CMYK codes are (100, 90, 10, 77) for navy blue and (1, 83, 85, 0) for orange color.
Navy blue.
(100, 90, 10, 77)
(1, 83, 85, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Navy blue | (100, 90, 10, 77) |
Orange | (1, 83, 85, 0) |
Illinois Fighting Illini Logo Colors
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo features navy blue and orange as its official colors. The navy blue is identified by Pantone: PMS 2767 C, Hex: #13294B, RGB: (19, 41, 75), and CMYK: (100, 90, 10, 77). The orange color is represented by Pantone: PMS 7417 C, Hex: #E84A27, RGB: (232, 74, 39), and CMYK: (0, 83, 85, 0).
Illinois Fighting Illini Logo
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo features the iconic orange and blue colors, symbolizing the University of Illinois’ proud athletic heritage.
The bold, block “I” stands at the center of the design, often set against a navy blue background to create a strong visual impact. The use of orange highlights the team’s energy and determination, while the blue conveys strength and stability.
llinois Fighting Illini Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Illinois Fighting Illini Logo Fonts
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo fonts are bold and athletic, reflecting the strong identity of the university’s sports teams. The fonts are typically sans-serif, emphasizing clarity and strength, which complements the team’s competitive spirit.
Illinois Fighting Illini Logo JPG
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo JPG format can be found below.

Illinois Fighting Illini Logo PNG
The Illinois Fighting Illini logo PNG format can be found below.