The Metro State Roadrunners colors are blue and red. These colors are essential for maintaining the team’s identity across various platforms, including merchandise, branding, and digital media. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes for the Metro State Roadrunners’ team colors. The Metro State Roadrunners represent Denver, Colorado, and their primary rivals are the Colorado Mines Orediggers.
Metro State Roadrunners Primary Colors
Hex: #00447C
RGB: (0, 68, 124)
CMYK: (100, 81, 26, 10)
Hex: #D11242
RGB: (209, 18, 66)
CMYK: (12, 100, 73, 2)
Metro State Roadrunners Pantone Color Codes
The Metro State Roadrunners NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 654 C for blue and PMS 1935 C for red.
PMS 654 C
PMS 1935 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Blue | PMS 654 C |
Red | PMS 1935 C |
Metro State Roadrunners Color Codes HEX
The Metro State Roadrunners colors HEX codes are #00447C for blue and #D11242 for red.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Blue | #00447C |
Red | #D11242 |
Metro State Roadrunners Color Codes RGB
The Metro State Roadrunners colors RGB codes are (0, 68, 124) for blue and (209, 18, 66) for red colour.
(0, 68, 124)
(209, 18, 66)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Blue | (0, 68, 124) |
Red | (209, 18, 66) |
Metro State Roadrunners Color Codes CMYK
The Metro State Roadrunners colors CMYK codes are (100, 81, 26, 10) for blue and (12, 100, 73, 2) for red color.
(100, 81, 26, 10)
(12, 100, 73, 2)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Blue | (100, 81, 26, 10) |
Red | (12, 100, 73, 2) |
Metro State Roadrunners Logo Colors
The colors of the Metro State Roadrunners logo are blue and red. The blue is identified by Pantone PMS 654 C, with a Hex code of #00447C, an RGB value of (0, 68, 124), and a CMYK breakdown of (100, 81, 26, 10). The red is represented by Pantone PMS 1935 C, with a Hex code of #D11242, an RGB value of (209, 18, 66), and a CMYK mix of (12, 100, 73, 2).
Metro State Roadrunners Logo
The Metro State Roadrunners logo is a vibrant representation of the school’s spirit and identity. It features bold colors that mirror the Metro State Roadrunners’ signature palette, including deep red and strong blue hues. The logo design captures the dynamic and energetic nature of the Roadrunners, symbolizing speed and determination. With its clean lines and distinct imagery, it serves as a powerful emblem for the university’s athletic teams. The use of these colors and design elements ensures that the logo stands out, resonating with fans and creating a lasting impression.
Metro State Roadrunners Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Metro State Roadrunners logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Metro State Roadrunners Logo Fonts
The Metro State Roadrunners logo fonts play a crucial role in defining the team’s identity. These fonts complement the vibrant Metro State Roadrunners colors, creating a cohesive and recognizable brand. With bold and dynamic lettering, the logo fonts reflect the spirit and energy of the Roadrunners. The typography used in the logo enhances the visual appeal, making it instantly recognizable to fans and supporters. It aligns with the team’s overall aesthetic, ensuring that the brand’s visual elements work harmoniously together.
Metro State Roadrunners Logo JPG
The Metro State Roadrunners logo JPG format can be found below.

Metro State Roadrunners Logo PNG
The Metro State Roadrunners logo PNG format can be found below.