The Newberry Wolves colors are red and gray. These colors are vital for maintaining brand consistency across all platforms. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK values for the Newberry Wolves team colors. Based in Newberry, South Carolina, the Wolves consider the Limestone Saints their biggest rivals.
Newberry Wolves Primary Colors
Hex: #CE0E2D
RGB: (206, 14, 45)
CMYK: (12, 100, 91, 3)
PANTONE: PMS Cool Gray 8 C
Hex: #898A8D
RGB: (137, 138, 141)
CMYK: (49, 40, 38, 4)
Newberry Wolves Pantone Color Codes
The Newberry Wolves NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 186 C for red and PMS Cool Gray 8 C for gray.
PMS 186 C
PMS Cool Gray 8 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Red | PMS 186 C |
Gray | PMS Cool Gray 8 C |
Newberry Wolves Color Codes HEX
The Newberry Wolves colors HEX codes are #CE0E2D for red and #898A8D for gray.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Red | #CE0E2D |
Gray | #898A8D |
Newberry Wolves Color Codes RGB
The Newberry Wolves colors RGB codes are (206, 14, 45) for red and (137, 138, 141) for gray colour.
(206, 14, 45)
(137, 138, 141)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Red | (206, 14, 45) |
Gray | (137, 138, 141) |
Newberry Wolves Color Codes CMYK
The Newberry Wolves colors CMYK codes are (12, 100, 91, 3) for red and (49, 40, 38, 4) for gray color.
(12, 100, 91, 3)
(49, 40, 38, 4)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Red | (12, 100, 91, 3) |
Gray | (49, 40, 38, 4) |
Newberry Wolves Logo Colors
The Newberry Wolves logo features red and gray as its official colors. The red is specified as Pantone PMS 186 C, with a Hex code of #CE0E2D, RGB values of (206, 14, 45), and CMYK values of (12, 100, 91, 3). The gray is defined as Pantone PMS Cool Gray 8 C, with a Hex code of #898A8D, RGB values of (137, 138, 141), and CMYK values of (49, 40, 38, 4).
Newberry Wolves Logo
The Newberry Wolves logo represents the pride and spirit of Newberry College athletics. It features bold imagery and colors that resonate with the team’s identity. The primary hues include striking scarlet and solid black, creating a visually powerful design.
These colors symbolize energy, strength, and determination. The logo often incorporates a fierce wolf head, emphasizing the team’s competitive nature. Its clean lines and modern aesthetic ensure it stands out across various platforms, from jerseys to merchandise.
The Newberry Wolves logo is more than just a symbol. It embodies the school’s rich athletic tradition and unity.
Newberry Wolves Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Newberry Wolves logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Newberry Wolves Logo Fonts
The introduction to the “Newberry Wolves Logo Fonts” explores the typography that defines their visual identity. The Wolves’ logo blends bold, athletic lettering with a fierce, modern design. These fonts complement the team’s signature red, black, and white color palette.
Typography plays a crucial role in representing the Wolves’ spirit. The chosen fonts emphasize strength and determination. Together, they create a cohesive brand that resonates with fans and the community.
Newberry Wolves Logo JPG
The Newberry Wolves logo JPG format can be found below.

Newberry Wolves Logo PNG
The Newberry Wolves logo PNG format can be found below.