The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles colors are maroon and silver. These colors represent the spirit and identity of the teams. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles. Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the team’s fiercest rivals are the Oklahoma Baptist Bison.
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Primary Colors
Hex: #660000
RGB: (102, 0, 0)
CMYK: (34, 98, 96, 52)
Hex: #727271
RGB: (114, 114, 113)
CMYK: (56, 47, 48, 14)
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Pantone Color Codes
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 1815 C for maroon and PMS 424 C for silver.
PMS 1815 C
PMS 424 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Maroon | PMS 1815 C |
Silver | PMS 424 C |
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Color Codes HEX
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles colors HEX codes are #660000 for maroon and #727271 for silver.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Maroon | #660000 |
Silver | #727271 |
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Color Codes RGB
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles colors RGB codes are (102, 0, 0) for maroon and (114, 114, 113) for silver colour.
(102, 0, 0)
(114, 114, 113)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Maroon | (102, 0, 0) |
Silver | (114, 114, 113) |
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Color Codes CMYK
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles colors CMYK codes are (34, 98, 96, 52) for maroon and (56, 47, 48, 14) for silver color.
(34, 98, 96, 52)
(56, 47, 48, 14)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Maroon | (34, 98, 96, 52) |
Silver | (56, 47, 48, 14) |
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo Colors
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles logo features maroon and silver as its primary colors. The maroon corresponds to Pantone PMS 1815 C, with a Hex code of #660000, RGB values of (102, 0, 0), and a CMYK breakdown of (34, 98, 96, 52). The silver is represented by Pantone PMS 424 C, with a Hex code of #727271, RGB values of (114, 114, 113), and a CMYK composition of (56, 47, 48, 14).
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo
The introduction of the Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo highlights its significance in representing the spirit and identity of the university’s athletic teams.
The logo features bold elements that embody strength, unity, and tradition. Its design incorporates the school’s iconic colors, making it instantly recognizable.
This emblem serves as a symbol of pride for students, alumni, and fans. It connects the community through shared values and a commitment to excellence in athletics and academics.
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo Fonts
The introduction to “Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo Fonts” highlights the typography that defines their visual identity. Fonts play a crucial role in reinforcing team spirit and brand recognition.
These typefaces complement the team’s official colors—Crimson, Black, and White. Together, they create a bold and dynamic aesthetic.
The logo fonts reflect the energy and determination of Oklahoma Christian’s athletic programs. They ensure consistency across uniforms, merchandise, and promotional materials.
Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo JPG
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles logo JPG format can be found below.

Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles Logo PNG
The Oklahoma Christian Eagles and Lady Eagles logo PNG format can be found below.