The Rogers State Hillcats colors are navy and red. These colors embody the spirit and pride of Rogers State University. Below are the Rogers State Hillcats team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. The Hillcats represent Claremore, Oklahoma, and their fiercest rivals are the Northeastern State RiverHawks.
Rogers State Hillcats Primary Colors
Hex: #002244
RGB: (0, 34, 68)
CMYK: (100, 86, 43, 43)
Hex: #B71234
RGB: (183, 18, 52)
CMYK: (20, 100, 82, 10)
Rogers State Hillcats Pantone Color Codes
The Rogers State Hillcats NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 282 C for navy and PMS 193 C for red.
PMS 282 C
PMS 193 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Navy | PMS 282 C |
Red | PMS 193 C |
Rogers State Hillcats Color Codes HEX
The Rogers State Hillcats colors HEX codes are #002244 for navy and #B71234 for red.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Navy | #002244 |
Red | #B71234 |
Rogers State Hillcats Color Codes RGB
The Rogers State Hillcats colors RGB codes are (0, 34, 68) for navy and (183, 18, 52) for red colour.
(0, 34, 68)
(183, 18, 52)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Navy | (0, 34, 68) |
Red | (183, 18, 52) |
Rogers State Hillcats Color Codes CMYK
The Rogers State Hillcats colors CMYK codes are (100, 86, 43, 43) for navy and (20, 100, 82, 10) for red color.
(100, 86, 43, 43)
(20, 100, 82, 10)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Navy | (100, 86, 43, 43) |
Red | (20, 100, 82, 10) |
Rogers State Hillcats Logo Colors
The colors of the Rogers State Hillcats logo are navy and red. The navy shade is specified as Pantone PMS 282 C, with a Hex code of #002244, RGB values of (0, 34, 68), and a CMYK composition of (100, 86, 43, 43). The red shade is identified as Pantone PMS 193 C, with a Hex code of #B71234, RGB values of (183, 18, 52), and a CMYK mix of (20, 100, 82, 10).
Rogers State Hillcats Logo
The Rogers State Hillcats logo is a visual emblem that represents the pride and spirit of Rogers State University. Incorporating the university’s colors, the logo prominently features navy blue, red, and white. These colors symbolize strength, determination, and a deep connection to the school’s heritage. The design includes a dynamic depiction of a hillcat, showcasing energy and competitive spirit. The bold color scheme and fierce mascot combine to create a logo that stands out in collegiate athletics. This logo is not just a symbol but a unifying element for the Rogers State Hillcats community.
Rogers State Hillcats Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Rogers State Hillcats logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Rogers State Hillcats Logo Fonts
The “Rogers State Hillcats Logo Fonts” play a crucial role in defining the team’s visual identity. These fonts, paired with the Hillcats’ distinctive colors—red, navy, and white—create a strong and cohesive look. The typography complements the bold and energetic style of the team, enhancing the overall design. Using fonts that align with the team’s branding ensures consistency across merchandise, digital platforms, and promotional materials. This attention to detail helps the Rogers State Hillcats maintain a recognizable and professional image.
Rogers State Hillcats Logo JPG
The Rogers State Hillcats logo JPG format can be found below.

Rogers State Hillcats Logo PNG
The Rogers State Hillcats logo PNG format can be found below.