The Sweet Briar College color codes are Green, White, Pink, and Black. These colors are integral to the college’s identity and branding, from promotional materials to athletic uniforms. Sweet Briar College has specific color codes to ensure consistency across all platforms. Below are the Sweet Briar College team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. Sweet Briar College, located in Sweet Briar, VA, has several conference rivals, including Notre Dame of Maryland University, Alverno College, and Smith College.
Sweet Briar College Primary Colors
The Sweet Briar College primary colors are.
Hex: #72B543
RGB: (114, 181, 67)
CMYK: (37.02, 0.0, 62.98, 29.02)
RGB: (255, 255, 254)
CMYK: (0.0, 0.0, 0.39, 0.0)
Hex: #DA2C6A
RGB: (218, 44, 106)
CMYK: (0.0, 79.82, 51.38, 14.51)
Hex: #112335
RGB: (17, 35, 53)
CMYK: (67.92, 33.96, 0.0, 79.22)
Sweet Briar College Pantone Color Codes
The Pantone colors for Sweet Briar College’s NCAA team are PMS 360 C for green, PMS 7436 C for white, PMS 7635 C for pink, and PMS 289 C for black. You can find the complete Pantone color scheme for Sweet Briar College in the table below.
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Green | PMS 360 C |
White | PMS 7436 C |
Pink | PMS 7635 C |
Black | PMS 289 C |
Sweet Briar College Color Codes HEX
The HEX color codes for Sweet Briar College are #72B543 for Green, #FFFFFE for White, #DA2C6A for Pink, and #112335 for Black. You can find the complete HEX color scheme for Sweet Briar College in the table below.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Green | #72B543 |
White | #FFFFFE |
Pink | #DA2C6A |
Black | #112335 |
Sweet Briar College Color Codes RGB
The RGB codes for Sweet Briar College’s colors are as follows: Green is (114, 181, 67), White is (255, 255, 254), Pink is (218, 44, 106), and Black is (17, 35, 53). The RGB color scheme for Sweet Briar College is displayed in the table below.
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Green | (114, 181, 67) |
White | (255, 255, 254) |
Pink | (218, 44, 106) |
Black | (17, 35, 53) |
Sweet Briar College Color Codes CMYK
The CMYK codes for Sweet Briar College colors are as follows: Green is (37.02, 0.0, 62.98, 29.02), White is (0.0, 0.0, 0.39, 0.0), Pink is (0.0, 79.82, 51.38, 14.51), and Black is (67.92, 33.96, 0.0, 79.22). You can find the CMYK color scheme for Sweet Briar College in the table below.
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Green | (37.02, 0.0, 62.98, 29.02) |
White | (0.0, 0.0, 0.39, 0.0) |
Pink | (0.0, 79.82, 51.38, 14.51) |
Black | (67.92, 33.96, 0.0, 79.22) |
Sweet Briar College Logo Colors
The Sweet Briar College logo features four primary colors: Green, White, Pink, and Black. The Green is represented by Pantone PMS 360 C, with the Hex code #72B543, RGB values of (114, 181, 67), and CMYK values of (37.02, 0.0, 62.98, 29.02). The White is depicted by Pantone PMS 7436 C, Hex code #FFFFFE, RGB values (255, 255, 254), and CMYK values (0.0, 0.0, 0.39, 0.0). The Pink color is denoted by Pantone PMS 7635 C, Hex code #DA2C6A, RGB values (218, 44, 106), and CMYK values (0.0, 79.82, 51.38, 14.51). Lastly, the Black is represented by Pantone PMS 289 C, with a Hex code of #112335, RGB values (17, 35, 53), and CMYK values (67.92, 33.96, 0.0, 79.22).
Sweet Briar College Logo
The Sweet Briar College logo features Green, White, Pink, and Black colors.
Sweet Briar College Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Sweet Briar College logo colors can be found in an image format below.
Sweet Briar College Logo JPG
The Sweet Briar College logo JPG format can be found below.

Sweet Briar College Logo PNG
The Sweet Briar College logo PNG format can be found below.