The Tiffin Dragons colors are green and gold. These codes ensure consistency in branding across various media platforms. The team colors of the Tiffin Dragons, available in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats, are listed below. The Tiffin Dragons hail from Tiffin, Ohio, with their main rivals being the Findlay Oilers.
Tiffin Dragons Primary Colors
Hex: #154734
RGB: (21, 71, 52)
CMYK: (93, 24, 85, 68)
Hex: #DAAA00
RGB: (218, 170, 0)
CMYK: (2, 22, 100, 8)
Tiffin Dragons Pantone Color Codes
The Tiffin Dragons NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 3435 C for green and PMS 110 C for gold.
PMS 3435 C
PMS 110 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Green | PMS 3435 C |
Gold | PMS 110 C |
Tiffin Dragons Color Codes HEX
The Tiffin Dragons colors HEX codes are #154734 for green and #DAAA00 for gold.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Green | #154734 |
Gold | #DAAA00 |
Tiffin Dragons Color Codes RGB
The Tiffin Dragons colors RGB codes are (21, 71, 52) for green and (218, 170, 0) for gold colour.
(21, 71, 52)
(218, 170, 0)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Green | (21, 71, 52) |
Gold | (218, 170, 0) |
Tiffin Dragons Color Codes CMYK
The Tiffin Dragons colors CMYK codes are (93, 24, 85, 68) for green and (2, 22, 100, 8) for gold color.
(93, 24, 85, 68)
(2, 22, 100, 8)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Green | (93, 24, 85, 68) |
Gold | (2, 22, 100, 8) |
Tiffin Dragons Logo Colors
The Tiffin Dragons logo features green and gold as its primary colors. The green is represented by Pantone PMS 3435 C, with a Hex code of #154734, RGB values of (21, 71, 52), and a CMYK breakdown of (93, 24, 85, 68). The gold is Pantone PMS 110 C, with a Hex code of #DAAA00, RGB values of (218, 170, 0), and a CMYK composition of (2, 22, 100, 8).
Tiffin Dragons Logo
The Tiffin Dragons logo features a striking combination of green and gold, the school’s iconic colors. The logo prominently displays a fierce dragon, symbolizing strength and resilience, set against a bold backdrop. These colors, green representing growth and gold symbolizing excellence, perfectly capture the essence of the Tiffin Dragons’ spirit. The overall design of the logo is clean yet impactful, making it instantly recognizable to fans and opponents alike.
Tiffin Dragons Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Tiffin Dragons logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Tiffin Dragons Logo Fonts
The Tiffin Dragons logo fonts play a crucial role in defining the team’s identity. Just like the team’s official colors, which include green, gold, and white, the fonts are bold and dynamic. These fonts convey strength, determination, and school spirit, complementing the vibrant palette of Tiffin Dragons’ branding.
The typography is clean yet impactful, ensuring visibility across various mediums, from sports uniforms to digital platforms. This combination of design elements highlights the team’s competitive spirit and unity.
Tiffin Dragons Logo JPG
The Tiffin Dragons logo JPG format can be found below.

Tiffin Dragons Logo PNG
The Tiffin Dragons logo PNG format can be found below.