The UTEP Miners colors are orange, blue, and silver. These colors are vital in creating a consistent visual identity for the University of Texas at El Paso’s athletics programs. Below are the UTEP Miners’ team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. The Miners represent El Paso, Texas, and their main rivals are the New Mexico State Aggies.
UTEP Miners Primary Logo Colors
The UTEP Miners primary logo colors are as follows.
Hex Color: #FF8200
rgb: (255, 130, 0)
CMYK: (0, 60, 100, 0)
Hex Color: #041E42;
rgb: (4, 30, 66)
CMYK: (100, 90, 13, 68)
PANTONE: PMS Cool Gray 5 C
Hex Color: #B1B3B3;
rgb: (177, 179, 179)
CMYK: (13, 9, 10, 27)
UTEP Miners Pantone Color Codes
The UTEP Miners NCAA team Pantone colors are PMS 151 C for orange, PMS 282 C for blue, and PMS Cool Gray 5 C for silver.
PMS 151 C
PMS 282 C
PMS Cool Gray 5 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Orange | PMS 151 C |
Blue | PMS 282 C |
Silver | PMS Cool Gray 5 C |
UTEP Miners Color Codes HEX
The HEX codes for UTEP Miners colors are #FF8200 for orange, #041E42 for blue, and #B1B3B3 for silver.
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Orange | #FF8200 |
Blue | #041E42 |
Silver | #B1B3B3 |
UTEP Miners Color Codes RGB
The RGB codes for UTEP Miners colors are (255, 130, 0) for orange, (4, 30, 66) for blue, and (177, 179, 179) for silver.
(255, 130, 0)
(4, 30, 66)
(177, 179, 179)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Orange | (255, 130, 0) |
Blue | (4, 30, 66) |
Silver | (177, 179, 179) |
UTEP Miners Color Codes CMYK
The CMYK codes for the UTEP Miners colors are (0, 60, 100, 0) for orange, (100, 90, 13, 68) for blue, and (13, 9, 10, 27) for silver.
(0, 60, 100, 0)
(100, 90, 13, 68)
(13, 9, 10, 27)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Orange | (0, 60, 100, 0) |
Blue | (100, 90, 13, 68) |
Silver | (13, 9, 10, 27) |
UTEP Miners Logo Colors
The UTEP Miners logo features orange, blue, and silver as its primary colors. The orange color is represented by Pantone PMS 151 C, with a Hex value of #FF8200, an RGB composition of (255, 130, 0), and a CMYK breakdown of (0, 60, 100, 0). The blue color is Pantone PMS 282 C, with a Hex code of #041E42, RGB values of (4, 30, 66), and a CMYK mix of (100, 90, 13, 68). The silver color is Pantone COOL GRAY 5 C, with a Hex code of #B1B3B3, RGB values of (177, 179, 179), and a CMYK combination of (13, 9, 10, 27).
UTEP Miners Logo
The UTEP Miners logo is a bold representation of the university’s spirit. It features a miner’s pickaxe, symbolizing the school’s deep connection to the mining heritage of the region. The colors used in the logo include dark blue and orange, which are also UTEP’s primary colors.
These colors are not just symbolic but also visually striking, representing strength and energy. The combination of the miner imagery and vibrant colors highlights the team’s hardworking, determined character. The logo stands as a proud emblem of UTEP Miners’ athletic teams.
UTEP Miners Logo Color Palette Image Format
The UTEP Miners logo colours can be found in an image format below.
UTEP Miners Logo Fonts
UTEP Miners logo fonts are bold and strong, reflecting the team’s rugged spirit. The fonts often feature block-style lettering, which embodies the toughness associated with the miners’ identity. These letters are typically paired with the team’s primary colors, navy blue and orange, creating a cohesive visual.
The typeface used in the logo is clean and easily recognizable, symbolizing resilience and power. The font is designed to stand out, just like the UTEP Miners on the field.
UTEP Miners Logo JPG
The UTEP Miners logo JPG format can be found below.

UTEP Miners Logo PNG
The UTEP Miners logo PNG format can be found below.