The primary colors of the Washington Huskies are purple, and gold. These colors symbolise the university’s rich heritage and pride. Purple represents loyalty and tradition, while gold signifies excellence and achievement. Below are the Washington Huskies team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. The Washington Huskies hail from Seattle, Washington. Their main rivals are the Washington State Cougars.
Washington Huskies Primary Logo Colors
The primary colors of Washington Huskies are as follows.
RGB: (51, 0, 111)
CMYK: (93, 100, 18, 21)
RGB: (232, 211, 162)
CMYK: (0, 13, 43, 13)
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Purple | (51, 0, 111) | (93, 100, 18, 21) | PMS 2685 C | #4B2E83 |
Gold | (232, 211, 162) | (0, 13, 43, 13) | PMS 7502 C | #B7A57A |
Washington Huskies Pantone Color Codes
The Pantone colors for the Washington Huskies NCAA team are PMS 2685 for purple, and PMS 7502 for gold
PMS 2685 C
PMS 7502 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Purple | PMS 2685 C |
Gold | PMS 7502 C |
Washington Huskies HEX Color Codes
The HEX codes for the Washington Huskies colors are #4B2E83 for purple, and #B7A57A for gold.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Purple | #4B2E83 |
Gold | #B7A57A |
Washington Huskies RGB Color Codes
The RGB codes for the Washington Huskies colors are (51, 0, 111) for purple and (232, 211, 162) for gold.
(51, 0, 111)
(232, 211, 162)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Purple | (51, 0, 111) |
Gold | (232, 211, 162) |
Washington Huskies CMYK Color Codes
The CMYK codes for the Washington Huskies colors are (93, 100, 18, 21) for purple and (0, 13, 43, 13) for gold.
(93, 100, 18, 21)
(0, 13, 43, 13)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Purple | (93, 100, 18, 21) |
Gold | (0, 13, 43, 13) |
Washington Huskies Logo Colors
The Washington Huskies logo features the colors purple and gold. The purple has a color code of PANTONE PMS 2685, HEX #4B2E83, RGB (51, 0, 111), and CMYK (93, 100, 18, 21). The gold color code is HEX #B7A57A, RGB (232, 211, 162), PANTONE PMS 7502, and CMYK (0, 13, 43, 13).
Washington Huskies Logo
The Washington Huskies logo features bold, iconic elements. The primary logo showcases a large, purple “W” outlined in gold. These colors symbolize the university’s pride and tradition. The use of purple represents loyalty and leadership, while the gold signifies excellence and achievement.
The font used in the logo is strong and assertive, reflecting the competitive spirit of the Huskies. The simplicity of the design makes it easily recognizable and timeless. This logo is a proud emblem of the University of Washington, embodying the strength and determination of its athletic teams.
Washington Huskies Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Washington Huskies logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Washington Huskies Logo Fonts
The Washington Huskies logo fonts have a bold and collegiate appearance. The primary typeface used in the logo is strong and classic, reflecting the team’s prestigious history and academic excellence. This font, often seen in the team’s iconic purple and gold colors, conveys a sense of tradition and pride.
The secondary fonts are usually clean and modern, ensuring readability and versatility across various media. These fonts enhance the overall aesthetic, making the logo instantly recognizable and timeless. The thoughtful selection of these fonts plays a crucial role in the identity of the Washington Huskies.
Washington Huskies Logo JPG
The Washington Huskies logo JPG format can be found below.

Right click the image and click on download to save it.
Washington Huskies Logo PNG
The Washington Huskies logo PNG format can be found below.

Right click the image and click on download to save it.