Baltimore Ravens Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The precise color codes for the Baltimore Ravens colors are essential for designers, fans, and marketers aiming to match the team’s official palette in their creations. The Baltimore Ravens’ codes span HEX, RGB, and CMYK color systems, covering every need from digital design to print materials. The Baltimore Ravens’ vibrant colors of Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White not only symbolize the team’s identity but also embody the spirit, determination, and unity of both the team and its supporters. This guide provides the exact specifications for these colors, ensuring consistency across all uses.

Baltimore Ravens Primary Logo Colors

The Baltimore Ravens primary logo colors include a distinctive palette that reflects the team’s unique identity. The Baltimore Ravens’ primary logo encompasses Black, Purple, Metallic Gold, and White. Fans recognize the Baltimore Ravens’ Black as a symbol of strength and power. The team’s Purple stands for nobility and ambition, representing the Ravens’ regal presence on the field. Metallic Gold in the Baltimore Ravens colors signifies excellence and triumph, highlighting the team’s achievements and aspirations. White in the Baltimore Ravens palette promotes clarity and unity, binding the other colors into a cohesive brand image. Designers and fans use these colors for various applications, from merchandise to digital content, to express allegiance and admiration for the Baltimore Ravens.

Purple#24177336, 23, 115100, 95, 0, 27
Black#0000000, 0, 070, 50, 50, 100Process Black C
Metallic Gold#9E7C0C158, 124, 120, 19, 92, 38PMS 872 C

Baltimore Ravens Primary Colors (1996 – 1998)

The Baltimore Ravens primary colors from 1996 to 1998 featured a slightly different palette than the one used today. The team’s color scheme included Deep Purple, Black, and White. Baltimore Ravens’ Deep Purple symbolized the team’s rich beginnings, echoing a sense of mystery and ambition. Black represented the Ravens’ power and determination on and off the field. White stood for purity and unity, bringing together the team and its supporters. Fans and designers employed these colors in merchandise, branding, and team paraphernalia to showcase their support for the Baltimore Ravens. The distinctive combination of Deep Purple, Black, and White distinguished the Baltimore Ravens’ identity during the team’s early years.

Baltimore Ravens Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The Baltimore Ravens color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX ensure accurate representation of the team’s hues across various media. Baltimore Ravens’ Purple has the following codes:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black is specified by:

Baltimore Ravens’ Metallic Gold is defined as:

Baltimore Ravens’ White

Designers and fans rely on these codes to create materials that match the Baltimore Ravens’ official colors perfectly. The precise color codes facilitate consistent branding and fan merchandise production.

SystemPurpleBlackMetallic GoldWhite
RGB26, 25, 950, 0, 0157, 124, 80255, 255, 255
CMYK100, 100, 0, 6070, 50, 50, 1000, 24, 77, 220, 0, 0, 0
PantonePMS 273 CProcess Black CPMS 872 CWhite

Baltimore Ravens Pantone Color Codes

The Baltimore Ravens NFL team Pantone colors are PMS 273 C for purple, PMS Black 6 C for black, PMS 872 C for metallic gold.

The Baltimore Ravens Pantone color codes are precise standards for the team’s official hues. Baltimore Ravens’ Purple is designated by:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black

Baltimore Ravens’ Metallic Gold is marked by:

Baltimore Ravens’ White

The Baltimore Ravens’ Pantone codes ensure consistency across all branding and merchandise, allowing for the accurate reproduction of the Baltimore Ravens colors in various materials and formats. Designers and manufacturers use these Pantone codes to match the team’s colors exactly, maintaining brand integrity and fan engagement.

Baltimore Ravens Color Codes HEX

The Baltimore Ravens colors HEX codes are #1A195F for purple, #000000 for black, and #9D7C50 for metallic gold.

The Baltimore Ravens color codes HEX are crucial for digital and print applications requiring exact color matching. Baltimore Ravens’ Purple is captured by:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black

Baltimore Ravens’ Metallic Gold is represented through:

Baltimore Ravens’ White

The Baltimore Ravens’ HEX codes provide designers and fans with the necessary tools to ensure that all creations and merchandise accurately embody the Baltimore Ravens colors, fostering brand consistency and team spirit.

Baltimore Ravens Color Codes RGB

The Baltimore Ravens colors RGB codes are (26, 25, 95) for purple, (0, 0, 0) for black, and (157, 124, 80) for metallic gold

The Baltimore Ravens color codes RGB are essential for achieving precise color representation in digital formats. Baltimore Ravens’ Purple is presented with:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black

Baltimore Ravens’ Metallic Gold is illustrated through:

Baltimore Ravens’ White

The Baltimore Ravens’ RGB codes allow for accurate replication of the Baltimore Ravens colors on screens and digital media, ensuring that the team’s hues are consistently displayed across various digital platforms.

Baltimore Ravens Color Codes CMYK

The Baltimore Ravens colors CMYK codes are (100, 100, 0, 60) for purple, (70, 50, 50, 100) for black, (0, 24, 77, 22) for metallic gold

The Baltimore Ravens color codes CMYK are crucial for print materials to ensure accurate color reproduction.
Baltimore Ravens’ Purple is defined by:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black is captured through

Baltimore Ravens’ Metallic Gold is detailed by:

Baltimore Ravens’ White is represented with:

The Baltimore Ravens’ CMYK codes enable precise matching of the Baltimore Ravens colors in printing projects, ensuring that all physical branding and promotional materials reflect the team’s identity consistently.

Baltimore Ravens Logo Colors

The Baltimore Ravens logo colors are pivotal in defining the team’s brand identity. Baltimore Ravens’ Purple, symbolic of creativity and passion, is a key component:

Baltimore Ravens’ Black, representing strength and elegance, complements the Purple:

Baltimore Ravens’ Gold, signifying excellence and success, accents the logo:

Baltimore Ravens’ Red, a newer addition, introduces energy and urgency:

Baltimore Ravens’ White, ensuring clarity and balance, completes the palette.

The Baltimore Ravens’ color codes ensure consistency across all platforms, allowing the Baltimore Ravens to maintain a unified and recognizable presence.

The Baltimore Ravens logo encapsulates the team’s spirit and heritage. This emblem features a shield that echoes the city’s history and a raven with outstretched wings, symbolizing the team’s agility and determination. The primary colors of the logo are Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White. Each color within the logo has a specific code to ensure consistency across all forms of media and merchandise.

Purple stands for the team’s creativity and ambition:

Black represents the team’s strength and determination:

Metallic Gold signifies excellence and victory:

HEX: #9E7C0C
RGB: 158, 124, 12
CMYK: 0, 19, 92, 38

White ensures clarity and unity within the logo:

The Baltimore Ravens logo serves as a powerful visual identity for the team, combining historical references and symbols of strength to create a lasting image.

Baltimore Ravens Logo Fonts

The Baltimore Ravens logo fonts are integral to the team’s brand identity, conveying strength and tradition. These custom typefaces are bold and impactful, designed to reflect the dynamic nature of the team. The primary font used in the Baltimore Ravens logo is a custom, proprietary typeface, which is not publicly available. This ensures a unique and recognizable appearance for the team’s branding.

The Baltimore Ravens logo fonts embody characteristics similar to the team’s primary colors, utilizing shades of Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White for various applications. Whether displayed on team merchandise, digital platforms, or promotional materials, these fonts maintain the Baltimore Ravens’ visual consistency and brand integrity.

Utilizing these fonts alongside the Baltimore Ravens colors:

– Ensures brand consistency.

– Enhances team identity.

– Strengthens fan recognition.

The deliberate use of specific fonts and colors solidifies the Baltimore Ravens’ presence in the NFL, creating a distinct and enduring brand image.

Baltimore Ravens Logo JPG

Download the Baltimore Ravens logo in JPG format for a versatile option suited to a wide range of applications, from digital documents to web posting.

Baltimore Ravens Logo PNG

Access the Baltimore Ravens logo in PNG format, offering transparency for more flexible design use.

Baltimore Ravens Jersey

The Baltimore Ravens jersey  symbolizes the team’s spirit and unity and prominently features the team’s primary colors. Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White are used throughout the jersey design, reflecting the Baltimore Ravens’ identity and heritage. The home jerseys primarily showcase the rich Purple, accented with Black and Metallic Gold trim, embodying the team’s boldness and ambition.

Purple is the dominant color for the home jersey, conveying the team’s creativity and regal spirit:

Black accents represent the team’s strength and determination, featured on both the home and away jerseys:

Metallic Gold trim highlights excellence and success, adding a touch of distinction to the jersey design:

White is utilized in the away jersey, ensuring clarity and unity in the design.

The Baltimore Ravens jersey, with its distinct color scheme, is a testament to the team’s identity, fostering a strong connection with fans and portraying the team’s values and aspirations on and off the field.

Baltimore Ravens flag

The Baltimore Ravens flag waves proudly, displaying the team’s vibrant colors and emblematic logo.The Baltimore Ravens’ flag incorporates the Baltimore Ravens’ primary colors of Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White, symbolizing the team’s spirit and legacy. The design often features the bold Ravens logo centered against a backdrop that exemplifies strength and unity.

Purple, a color of royalty and ambition, dominates the flag’s design:

Black adds depth and determination, mirroring the team’s resilience.

Metallic Gold accents symbolize achievement and prestige, highlighting the team’s successes:

White ensures contrast and clarity, uniting the colors and design elements.

The Baltimore Ravens flag represents the team and its fans, flying high as a symbol of solidarity and pride. It is a visual representation of the team’s identity, celebrated by fans at games and in communities.


The Baltimore Ravens’ colors are more than just visual elements; they embody the spirit, strength, and unity of the team and its supporters. The precise HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes for Purple, Black, Metallic Gold, and White allow for consistent representation across various platforms, ensuring the team’s identity is displayed with accuracy and pride. Whether for web design, printing, or fan merchandise, these color codes play a crucial role in connecting the team with its passionate fan base.

Categories NFL