Detroit Lions Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Detroit Lions’ team colors are Honolulu blue, silver, black, and white. Below, you’ll find the Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes for these colors. The Lions are based in Detroit, Michigan, and their main rivals are the Green Bay Packers.

Detroit Lions Primary Logo Colors

The primary logo colors for the Detroit Lions include Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Each color in the Detroit Lions palette has corresponding HEX, RGB, and CMYK color codes, essential for any digital or print projects that need precise color matching.

Honolulu Blue




Designers utilize these codes to maintain visual consistency across all platforms. Ensure accurate reproduction of the Detroit Lions colors by adhering to the specified codes.

Detroit Lions Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The Detroit Lions color palette includes Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Designers ensure the integrity of Detroit Lions branding by using the exact color codes for digital, print, and merchandise applications.

Honolulu Blue




Ensure correct color match by referencing the Detroit Lions codes provided. Use these specifications to maintain brand consistency across all media.

ColorHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK CodePantone Code
Honolulu Blue#0076B6(0, 118, 182)(100, 35, 0, 29)PMS 7462 C
Silver#B0B7BC(176, 183, 188)(6, 0, 0, 26)PMS 429 C
Black#000000(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 0, 100)Process Black C
White#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)PMS White

Detroit Lions Pantone Color Codes

The Detroit Lions NFL team Pantone colors are PMS 7462 C for Honolulu blue, PMS 429 C for silver, and PMS Black 6 C for black.

The Detroit Lions utilize specific Pantone colors to maintain brand consistency throughout all their visual and merchandise applications. This includes hues of Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White which are critical in representing the team’s identity.

Honolulu Blue




Detroit Lions designers reference these Pantone codes to ensure accuracy and uniformity in team colors across various materials and formats. Use these Pantone codes for precise color matching in all Detroit Lions branded projects.

ColorPantone Code
Honolulu BluePMS 7462 C
SilverPMS 429 C
BlackProcess Black C
WhitePMS White

Detroit Lions Color Codes HEX

The Detroit Lions colors HEX codes are #0076B6 for Honolulu blue, #B0B7BC for silver, #000000 for black, and #FFFFFF for white.

The Detroit Lions HEX color codes are specific and used to ensure brand consistency for digital content and material production. The team colors are represented in Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Below are the HEX codes for each of these colors.

Honolulu Blue




Utilize the Detroit Lions HEX codes for precise color matching in digital design and branding materials. Detroit Lions’ codes represent the visual identity of the Detroit Lions and are essential for all forms of digital representation.

ColorHEX Code
Honolulu Blue#0076B6

Detroit Lions Color Codes RGB

The Detroit Lions colors RGB codes are (0, 118, 182) for Honolulu blue, (176, 183, 188) for silver, (0, 0, 0) for black, and (255, 255, 255) for white colour.

The Detroit Lions RGB color codes are precise and crucial for maintaining visual consistency across digital and electronic media. The Detroit Lions colors are detailed below, including Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White.

Honolulu Blue




Use these Detroit Lions RGB codes to ensure accurate color reproduction in all digital media. Detroit Lions’ codes are essential for any digital project requiring the authentic Detroit Lions colors.

ColorRGB Code
Honolulu Blue(0, 118, 182)
Silver(176, 183, 188)
Black(0, 0, 0)
White(255, 255, 255)

Detroit Lions Color Codes CMYK

The Detroit Lions colors CMYK codes are (100, 35, 0, 29) for Honolulu blue, (6, 0, 0, 26) for silver, (0, 0, 0, 100) for black, and (0, 0, 0, 0) for white color.

The Detroit Lions CMYK color codes are essential for print materials where color accuracy is critical. The team’s official colors, Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White, are converted into CMYK values to guide production.

Honolulu Blue




Apply the Detroit Lions CMYK codes for consistent color rendering in all print media. These values are specifically formulated to match the Detroit Lions colors in printed materials perfectly.

ColorCMYK Code
Honolulu Blue(100, 35, 0, 29)
Silver(6, 0, 0, 26)
Black(0, 0, 0, 100)
White(0, 0, 0, 0)

Detroit Lions Logo Colors

The Detroit Lions logo colors are Honolulu blue, silver, black, and white. The Honolulu blue color code for the Detroit Lions logo is Pantone: PMS 7462 C, Hex Color: #0076B6, RGB: (0, 118, 182), CMYK: (100, 35, 0, 29). The silver color code for the Detroit Lions logo is Pantone: PMS 8180 C, Hex Color: #B0B7BC, RGB: (176, 183, 188), CMYK: (6, 0, 0, 26). The black color code for the Detroit Lions logo is Pantone: PMS Black 6 C, Hex Color: #000000, RGB: (0, 0, 0), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100). The white color code for the Detroit Lions logo is Hex Color: #FFFFFF, RGB: (255, 255, 255), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0).

Honolulu Blue




Reference these Detroit Lions logo colors for accurate color matching in all related visual designs and merchandise. Detroit Lions’ specific codes help maintain the visual integrity of the Detroit Lions brand.

The Detroit Lions logo features Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Detroit Lions’ colors are integral to the Detroit Lions’ brand identity and are consistently used across all forms of visual communication to represent the team effectively.

Honolulu Blue




Utilize the Detroit Lions logo colors for precise replication in merchandise, digital media, and print materials. Detroit Lions’ color codes should be used to ensure the logo appears as intended in all media.

Detroit Lions Logo Fonts

The Detroit Lions logo utilizes custom typefaces designed to reflect strength and agility. The primary fonts associated with the Detroit Lions logo are bold and modern, enhancing the team’s visual identity.

Primary Font

Style: Serif

Attributes: Bold, blocky design with sharp edges

Secondary Font

Style: Sans-serif

Attributes: Sleek, contemporary appearance with rounded ends

Detroit Lions logo fonts are crucial for maintaining brand consistency in all communications. Adhere to these fonts when producing any Detroit Lions branded materials to ensure that the team’s identity is uniformly represented across all platforms. Use the primary font for headlines and the secondary font for body text to optimize readability and impact.

Detroit Lions Logo JPG

Download the Detroit Lions logo in JPG format for a versatile use in digital documents and presentations where file size and compatibility matter.

Detroit Lions Logo JPG

Detroit Lions Logo PNG

Obtain the Detroit Lions logo in PNG format, ideal for use with transparent backgrounds in graphics, web design, and detailed print applications.

Detroit Lions Logo PNG

Detroit Lions Jersey

The primary logo colors for the Detroit Lions are Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Detroit Lions’ colors represent the Detroit Lions in all visual applications, ensuring consistency and brand recognition.

Honolulu Blue




Detroit Lions utilize these colors in the team’s primary logo to maintain a powerful and unified presence. Each color is critical for achieving visual harmony and brand accuracy in Detroit Lions materials.

Detroit Lions Flag

Detroit Lions Flag

The Detroit Lions flag features the team’s official colors: Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White. Detroit Lions’ flag is a symbol of team spirit and pride, prominently displaying the Detroit Lions logo against a vibrant background.

Honolulu Blue




Fans use the Detroit Lions flag to show their support during games and events. The specific color codes ensure that the flag represents Detroit Lions accurately and vibrantly in all forms of display.


The Detroit Lions colors of Honolulu Blue, Silver, Black, and White are not just a symbol of the team but a crucial aspect of brand identity and fan engagement. Detroit Lions’ colors are replicated through specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes to ensure consistency across all formats. For any Detroit Lions themed projects or merchandise, adhering to these color specifications will guarantee authenticity and recognition, strengthening the visual connection fans have with the team. Always reference the provided color codes to maintain accuracy in your designs.

Categories NFL