Houston Astros Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

Houston Astros colors prominently feature navy blue, orange, and white. These colors are not only a key part of the team’s identity but also symbolize vitality, professionalism, and purity respectively. This article provides the Houston Astros Colors Codes in HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats which are essential for any digital or print project that aims to represent the Astros accurately. Whether you’re designing team apparel, creating fan art, or setting up a themed event, these color codes will ensure you achieve the perfect match.

Houston Astros Primary Logo Colors

The Houston Astros primary logo colors include navy blue, orange, and white. 

Navy Blue:



RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Houston Astros utilize these colors in their primary logo uniformly. The orange represents energy and vibrancy, the navy blue conveys confidence and power, and the white offers a balance, creating a striking visual identity. Each color stands out distinctly, reflecting the team’s dynamic and spirited nature.

ColorHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK CodePantone Code
Navy Blue#002D62(0, 45, 98)(100, 72, 0, 62)288 C
Orange#F4911E(244, 145, 30)(0, 50, 100, 0)1585 C
White#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)White

Houston Astros Logo Colors (1987 – 1995)

The Houston Astros logo colors from 1987 to 1995 consist of midnight blue, orange, and white.

Midnight Blue:



Houston Astros use these colors prominently in the team’s logo, where midnight blue signifies the depth of the night sky, orange reflects enthusiasm and energy, and white maintains clarity and precision. Each color in the Houston Astros logo enhances the overall aesthetic and symbolic representation of the team’s identity. The consistency and vibrancy of these colors exemplify the Houston Astros’ heritage and ambition.

Houston Astros Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Houston Astros Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX

The Houston Astros team colors are represented in navy blue, orange, and white. These colors are a symbol of the team’s spirit and tradition.

Navy Blue



Houston Astros utilizes these colors for their uniforms and branding. Navy blue stands for professionalism and reliability, orange represents energy and enthusiasm, and white symbolizes purity and balance. Houston Astros’ colors maintain a visually cohesive identity for the Houston Astros. Each color code is specific and used consistently to represent the Houston Astros across all platforms and merchandise.

ColorPantoneHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK Code
Navy Blue288 C#002D62(0, 45, 98)(100, 72, 0, 62)
Orange1585 C#F4911E(244, 145, 30)(0, 50, 100, 0)
WhiteWhite#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)

Houston Astros Pantone Color Codes

The Houston Astros MLB team Pantone colors are PMS 288 C for navy blue, PMS 1585 C for orange.

The Houston Astros Pantone colors are vital components of the team’s branding, representing the Astros in media and merchandise with specific and uniform shades.

Navy Blue



Houston Astros use these Pantone colors consistently in their logos, uniforms, and other branded materials. Navy blue embodies professionalism and strength, orange exudes energy and enthusiasm, and white stands for purity and simplicity. Houston Astros’ Pantone colors ensure the Houston Astros’ visual identity is immediately recognizable and consistently represented across all uses.

ColorPantone Code
Navy Blue288 C
Orange1585 C

Houston Astros Color Codes HEX

The Houston Astros colors HEX codes are #002D62 for navy blue, #F4911E for orange.

The Houston Astros HEX colors reflect the visual identity and branding consistency of the team.

Navy Blue



Houston Astros employ these HEX colors in their digital and print media for accurate color matching. Navy blue signifies professionalism and reliability, orange broadcasts energy and excitement, and white promotes clarity and precision. Houston Astros’ HEX colors are crucial for maintaining the consistent and recognizable appearance of the Houston Astros’ brand assets.

ColorHEX Code
Navy Blue#002D62

Houston Astros Color Codes RGB

The Houston Astros colors RGB codes are (0, 45, 98) for navy blue, (244, 145, 30) for orange

The Houston Astros RGB colors are essential for digital displays that require precise color representation.

Navy Blue



Houston Astros utilize these RGB values in digital media to ensure accurate color depiction. Navy blue delivers a sense of professionalism and strength, orange offers vibrancy and energy, and white provides clarity and simplicity. Each RGB code is precisely used to maintain the visual consistency and recognition of the Houston Astros’ branding elements.

ColorRGB Code
Navy Blue(0, 45, 98)
Orange(244, 145, 30)
White(255, 255, 255)

Houston Astros Color Codes CMYK

The Houston Astros colors CMYK codes are (100, 72, 0, 62) for navy, (0, 50, 100, 0) for orange.

The Houston Astros CMYK colors are standardized for use in print materials which require exact color matching.

Navy Blue



Houston Astros apply these CMYK codes in their merchandise and official branding materials. Navy blue represents reliability and professionalism, orange is used for its vibrancy and energy, and white denotes purity and precision. The use of these CMYK values ensures that all printed materials of the Houston Astros maintain consistent and true to brand colors.

ColorCMYK Code
Navy Blue(100, 72, 0, 62)
Orange(0, 50, 100, 0)
White(0, 0, 0, 0)

Houston Astros Logo Colors

The Houston Astros logo colors are navy, orange. The navy color code for the Houston Astros logo is Pantone: PMS 288 C, Hex Color: #002D62, RGB: (0, 45, 98), CMYK: (100, 72, 0, 62). The orange color code for the Houston Astros logo is Pantone: PMS 1585 C, Hex Color: #F4911E, RGB: (244, 145, 30), CMYK: (0, 50, 100, 0).

Navy Blue



Houston Astros utilize navy blue to convey professionalism and reliability, orange to evoke energy and enthusiasm, and white to impart clarity and purity. Each color in the Houston Astros logo enhances the team’s visual identity, ensuring it stands out both in print and digital formats. The specific codes for HEX, RGB, and CMYK guarantee that the colors remain consistent across various media.

The Houston Astros logo prominently features navy blue, orange, and white. Houston Astros’ colors are integral to the team’s identity.

Navy Blue represents professionalism and power.

Orange stands for energy and enthusiasm.

White symbolizes purity and balance.

Houston Astros use these colors across all platforms and merchandise to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand. The specific color codes ensure that the Houston Astros logo remains consistent in all forms of media. Navy blue, orange, and white not only decorate the logo but also reinforce the visual identity of the Houston Astros with dynamic and bold impressions.

Houston Astros Logo Fonts

The Houston Astros logo fonts reflect the dynamic and bold style of the team’s branding.

Primary Font: The primary font used in the Houston Astros logo is a strong, sans-serif typeface that emphasizes clarity and impact. This font features sleek, clean lines that convey modernity and professionalism.

Secondary Font: The secondary font complements the primary typeface with a more rounded, sans-serif style that adds a friendly and approachable feel to the textual elements of the Houston Astros branding.

Houston Astros choose these fonts to enhance the visual impact of their logo and to ensure legibility across all media. The primary font’s boldness pairs well with the assertive colors of navy blue and orange, while the secondary font softens the overall appearance, making the text inviting and clear. Both fonts uphold the Houston Astros’ identity through their distinctive and coordinated appearance.

Houston Astros Logo JPG

Download the Houston Astros logo in JPG format for a versatile, standard-use image suitable for various applications, from documents to presentations.

Houston Astros Logo PNG

Grab the Houston Astros logo in PNG format, ideal for transparency needs in graphics, ensuring sharp and clear usage across digital platforms.

Houston Astros Jersey

The Houston Astros jersey prominently features the team’s official colors: navy blue, orange, and white. 

Navy Blue serves as the primary background color.

Orange highlights dynamic lines and player numbers.

White is used for lettering and accents.

Houston Astros incorporate these colors into their jerseys to maintain visual consistency and brand identity across all formats. The jerseys also feature the Houston Astros logo fonts, enhancing readability and aesthetic appeal. The color distribution ensures that the uniforms are instantly recognizable during play, reflecting the team’s vibrant and energetic spirit. Navy blue dominates the jersey, ensuring a bold appearance, while orange and white provide sharp contrast, essential for visibility and style.

Houston Astros Flag

The Houston Astros flag displays the team’s official colors: navy blue, orange, and white.

Navy Blue forms the flag’s primary background.

Orange adorns the flag with vibrant stripes and decorations.

White is used for the team’s logo and other embellishments.

Houston Astros utilize these colors strategically on their flag to promote brand recognition and unity among fans. The flag features the Houston Astros logo at its center, surrounded by bold stripes of navy blue and orange, with white ensuring that the logo and design elements stand out. This color configuration enhances visibility and impact, symbolizing the team’s dynamic presence and competitive spirit.


The Houston Astros use these vibrant colors to represent their dynamic spirit and ensure visual continuity. Whether designing merchandise, decorating spaces, or crafting digital content, these HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes provide precise guidelines for representing the Houston Astros’ identity accurately and consistently. This ensures that all representations of the team’s colors are correct and standardized, promoting a cohesive brand image.

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