Jacksonville Jaguars Color Code

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

Exploring the Jacksonville Jaguars colors reveals a palette that symbolizes strength, energy, and ambition. The team’s official colors Black, Teal, and Gold are not just a visual identity but a representation of the franchise’s ethos. These colors are integrated across all elements of the team’s branding, from the dynamic logo to the iconic jerseys and spirited flags. This guide provides a detailed breakdown of the Jacksonville Jaguars colors codes in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats, ensuring fans and designers can accurately replicate the team’s hues in a variety of mediums.

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes

The Jacksonville Jaguars color codes are essential for fans and designers looking to represent the team’s identity accurately. Jacksonville Jaguars utilize a distinctive palette that reflects their vigorous spirit and team culture. This palette comprises black, teal, and gold, signifying the team’s boldness, energy, and excellence.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Fans and creators use these color codes to ensure consistency across digital and physical representations of the Jacksonville Jaguars brand. Jacksonville Jaguars’ colors find their way into merchandise, digital art, and fan paraphernalia, fostering a strong sense of community and team pride.

Jacksonville Jaguars Primary Colors (2013 – Present)

Jacksonville Jaguars primary colors from 2013 to the present are a testament to the team’s dynamic presence and spirit. These colors include a deep black, a vibrant teal, and a rich gold, each symbolizing different aspects of the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity. The black represents power and sophistication, the teal evokes the unique character and refreshing energy, and the gold stands for excellence and a commitment to high standards.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Designers and fans employ these colors in a variety of applications, from team apparel to branding materials, ensuring a consistent and recognizable identity for the Jacksonville Jaguars. The selection of these primary colors underscores the team’s heritage and its aspirations for the future.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo Colors (1995 – 2012)

Jacksonville Jaguars logo colors from 1995 to 2012 prominently featured a unique and memorable palette. This palette was carefully chosen to represent the team’s identity, combining a bold black, a refreshing teal, and a vibrant gold. Additionally, a touch of silver was introduced, adding sophistication and a futuristic edge to the logo’s appearance.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Black symbolizes strength and determination, embodying the team’s relentless pursuit of victory.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal offers a distinct and energetic feel, reflecting the team’s innovative and spirited approach.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold represents excellence and achievement, highlighting the team’s high standards and aspirations.

Jacksonville Jaguars Silver:

Jacksonville Jaguars Silver introduces a modern and versatile element, enhancing the logo’s visual impact and appeal.

These colors combined in the Jacksonville Jaguars logo to create a visual identity that was instantly recognizable to fans and opponents alike. The strategic use of this color scheme across various mediums ensured a strong and cohesive brand presence.

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX are crucial for ensuring brand consistency and recognition across all platforms. The team’s colors, deeply rooted in its identity, convey power, energy, and determination.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black represents the team’s strength and resilience, providing a solid foundation for its identity.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal symbolizes the refreshing and spirited nature of the team, standing out for its uniqueness and vibrancy.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold highlights excellence and success, shining brightly as a marker of the team’s high achievements and ambitions.

These color codes serve as a guide for creating uniformity in Jacksonville Jaguars’ merchandise, digital content, and visual representations, ensuring that the team’s colors are accurately portrayed and instantly recognizable to fans and the public.

Black#101820(16, 24, 32)(100, 100, 100, 100)Process Black C
Teal#006778(0, 103, 120)(100, 0, 30, 50)3155 C
Gold#D7A22A(215, 162, 42)(0, 20, 100, 10)1265 C

Jacksonville Jaguars Pantone Color Codes

The Jacksonville Jaguars NFL team Pantone colors are PMS Black 6 C for black, PMS 7719 C for teal, and PMS 872 C for gold.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Black stands for power and elegance, forming a solid base for the team’s visual identity.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal is a symbol of vitality and uniqueness, capturing the team’s dynamic presence and competitive spirit.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold reflects prosperity and achievement, highlighting the team’s pursuit of excellence and success.

These Pantone color codes are critical for designers, manufacturers, and partners in producing merchandise, marketing materials, and digital content that align with the Jacksonville Jaguars’ brand, ensuring uniformity and recognition across all platforms.

ColorPantone Code
BlackPMS Black C
TealPMS 7719 C
GoldPMS 872 C

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes HEX

The Jacksonville Jaguars colors HEX codes are #000000 for black, #006778 for teal and #D7A22A for gold.

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes HEX are crucial for digital designers and fans wanting to accurately replicate the team’s colors in web design and online content. These HEX codes ensure that the Jacksonville Jaguars’ hues are consistently represented across various digital platforms.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black exudes strength and authority, serving as a dominant force in the team’s color palette.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal offers a refreshing burst of color, symbolizing the team’s energetic and spirited nature.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold shines with excellence and ambition, reflecting the team’s commitment to success and distinction.

These HEX color codes are essential tools for ensuring that all digital representations of the Jacksonville Jaguars, from website design to fan art, are unified in showcasing the team’s identity and values.

ColorHEX Code

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes RGB

The Jacksonville Jaguars colors RGB codes are (0, 103, 120) for teal colour, and (215, 162, 42) for gold.

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes RGB are vital for accurately portraying the team’s colors in digital and electronic media. These RGB codes ensure that the visuals associated with the Jacksonville Jaguars are vibrant and true to the team’s identity.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:
Jacksonville Jaguars Black signifies the team’s solid and formidable nature, anchoring the visual identity with depth and sophistication.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal represents the fresh and dynamic aspect of the team, bringing a sense of vitality and innovation.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold captures the essence of excellence and prestige, highlighting the team’s achievements and aspirations.

Utilizing these RGB color codes ensures that digital projects, screen displays, and electronic representations maintain consistency, allowing fans and creators to connect with the Jacksonville Jaguars’ brand across multiple platforms.

ColorRGB Code
Black(0, 0, 0)
Teal(0, 123, 130)
Gold(166, 124, 82)

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes CMYK

The Jacksonville Jaguars colors CMYK codes are (100, 0, 30, 22) for teal.

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes CMYK are essential for print materials, ensuring the team’s colors are accurately reproduced in physical merchandise, marketing, and branding efforts. These CMYK codes facilitate the precise representation of the Jacksonville Jaguars’ hues in various printed formats.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Black conveys authority and determination, providing a strong foundation for the team’s visual identity.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal brings a burst of energy and creativity, reflecting the team’s innovative spirit and commitment to excellence.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold symbolizes success and prestige, representing the high standards and achievements of the team.

Adhering to these CMYK color codes ensures that all printed materials related to the Jacksonville Jaguars maintain a consistent and professional appearance, reinforcing the team’s brand identity across all forms of physical media.

ColorCMYK Code
Black(0, 0, 0, 100)
Teal(100, 0, 30, 22)
Gold(0, 25, 50, 35)

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo Colors

Jacksonville Jaguars logo colors embody the team’s identity, using a distinctive palette that enhances visibility and brand recognition. These colors are meticulously chosen to represent the strength, energy, and excellence of the Jacksonville Jaguars.


Jacksonville Jaguars Black symbolizes power and sophistication, creating a strong visual foundation for the logo.


Jacksonville Jaguars Teal signifies vitality and uniqueness, offering a refreshing look that stands out.


Jacksonville Jaguars Gold represents excellence and ambition, highlighting the team’s pursuit of success.

These logo colors are crucial for maintaining consistency across all Jacksonville Jaguars’ branding efforts, from digital media to physical merchandise, ensuring the team’s image is instantly recognizable to fans and the wider public.

The Jacksonville Jaguars logo incorporates a dynamic design that visually represents the team’s characteristics of agility, strength, and determination. This emblem uses a precise color palette to symbolize various aspects of the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity and spirit.


Jacksonville Jaguars Black stands for power and resilience, grounding the logo with depth and intensity.


Jacksonville Jaguars Teal conveys the team’s energetic and refreshing approach, adding vibrancy to the logo.


Jacksonville Jaguars Gold symbolizes the pursuit of excellence and a commitment to high achievements, providing a touch of brilliance to the design.

The combination of these colors in the Jacksonville Jaguars logo ensures a bold and recognizable identity, fostering a strong connection with fans and representing the team’s ethos across all forms of media and merchandise.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo Fonts

The Jacksonville Jaguars logo fonts play a crucial role in reinforcing the team’s brand identity, mirroring the qualities of strength, agility, and competitiveness. The typography chosen for the Jacksonville Jaguars logo and branding materials is bold and impactful, designed to convey a sense of dynamism and resilience.

The primary font used in the Jacksonville Jaguars logo is a custom typeface specifically designed for the team. Jacksonville Jaguars’ unique font features sharp, angular edges that reflect the aggressive nature of the jaguar, the team’s mascot. The letters are wide and sturdy, symbolizing stability and power, attributes that are central to the team’s image.

While the exact specifications of the Jacksonville Jaguars’ custom font are proprietary, the design is aligned with the team’s color palette to ensure visual harmony and brand consistency. The font typically appears in Jacksonville Jaguars Black, Teal, and Gold, ensuring that all textual elements are instantly recognizable and closely associated with the team’s visual identity.


Utilizing Jacksonville Jaguars’ colors for the logo’s typography not only enhances legibility across various applications but also strengthens the Jacksonville Jaguars’ brand identity, making it memorable and distinct in the competitive world of professional sports.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo JPG

The Jacksonville Jaguars logo JPG showcases the team’s emblem in a standard image format suitable for various digital and print applications.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo PNG

The Jacksonville Jaguars logo PNG features the team’s emblem with a transparent background, ideal for overlaying on different colors and textures without a white box around it.

Jacksonville Jaguars Jersey

The Jacksonville Jaguars jersey prominently features the team’s official colors, which are integral to its identity and spirit on the field. The design of the jersey combines Jacksonville Jaguars Black, Teal, and Gold, reflecting the team’s dynamic and bold nature.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Black dominates the jersey, symbolizing the team’s power and resilience, providing a solid foundation for the design.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal accents the jersey, offering a vibrant contrast that signifies the team’s unique character and energetic approach to the game.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold highlights the jersey’s design, representing excellence and a commitment to success, adding a touch of brilliance.

Jacksonville Jaguars’ colors ensure the Jacksonville Jaguars jersey is not only visually striking but also embodies the qualities of the team, fostering a sense of pride and unity among players and fans alike.

Jacksonville Jaguars flag

The Jacksonville Jaguars flag displays the team’s colors with pride, symbolizing the spirit and energy of the franchise and its supporters. The flag features Jacksonville Jaguars Black, Teal, and Gold, each color representing different facets of the team’s identity and values.

Jacksonville Jaguars Black:

Jacksonville Jaguars Black on the flag signifies strength and determination, laying a powerful foundation for the team’s emblem and design.

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal:

Jacksonville Jaguars Teal on the flag stands for vitality and uniqueness, offering a bright and refreshing contrast that is instantly recognizable.

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold:

Jacksonville Jaguars Gold on the flag represents excellence and success, highlighting the team’s high achievements and aspirations.

Flying the Jacksonville Jaguars flag united fans and players under a banner of shared identity and collective ambition, making it a symbol of loyalty and passion for the team.


The Jacksonville Jaguars colors – Black, Teal, and Gold – stand as a testament to the team’s resilience, spirit, and pursuit of excellence. The detailed Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes provided ensure that the team’s vibrant palette is accurately represented in all forms of media and merchandise. These colors do more than just adorn; they unite fans, players, and the community under a common banner of pride and passion. As the Jacksonville Jaguars continue to forge their path forward, their colors remain a symbol of their enduring identity and ambition.

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