Philadelphia Eagles Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Philadelphia Eagles’ colors are midnight green, silver (jersey), silver (helmet), black, and charcoal. You can find the exact Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes for these team colors below. Representing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Eagles are a proud and historic NFL team. One of their most intense and storied rivalries is with the Dallas Cowboys, making their matchups must-watch events for any football enthusiast. Dive in to explore the vibrant palette that symbolizes the spirit and tradition of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Philadelphia Eagles Primary Logo Colors

The Philadelphia Eagles primary logo colors include Midnight Green, Silver, Black, and Charcoal.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles use these colors to maintain a strong and unified brand presence. The primary color, Midnight Green, reflects the team’s vibrant and tenacious spirit. Silver provides a sleek accent that complements the boldness of Midnight Green. Black adds sophistication and intensity to the logo, while Charcoal offers depth and solidity, grounding the color scheme. Philadelphia Eagles’ consistent application of these colors ensures the logo’s iconic status, reinforcing the team’s identity and heritage. This color strategy enhances the visual impact of Philadelphia Eagles’ branding.

Philadelphia Eagles Logo Colors (1987 – 1995)

The Philadelphia Eagles logo colors from 1987 to 1995 featured Kelly Green, Silver, and White.

Kelly Green:



Philadelphia Eagles utilized these colors to emphasize a classic and enduring visual identity. Kelly Green served as the dominant backdrop, symbolizing energy and the lushness of the playing field. Silver provided a sharp contrast, offering a modern touch that highlighted the team’s innovative spirit. White accented these primary hues, lending clarity and brightness to the logo’s design. Philadelphia Eagles’ commitment to these colors ensured a distinctive and memorable emblem that fans recognized and cherished. This specific palette helped to establish and maintain the Philadelphia Eagles’ unique brand during these years.

Philadelphia Eagles Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The Philadelphia Eagles color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX are defined for Midnight Green, Silver, Black, and Charcoal.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles use these colors consistently across all mediums to ensure brand uniformity. Midnight Green represents resilience and tenacity, aligning with the Philadelphia Eagles’ spirit. Silver accents provide a sleek, modern edge. Black adds depth and intensity, which complements the primary Midnight Green. Charcoal serves as a grounding element, enhancing the overall aesthetic of Philadelphia Eagles’ visuals. Philadelphia Eagles’ color specifications play a crucial role in maintaining the visual integrity and recognition of the Philadelphia Eagles brand.

ColorHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK CodePantone Code
Midnight Green#004C54(0, 76, 86)(100, 12, 0, 66)316 C
Silver#A5ACAF(165, 172, 175)(5, 2, 0, 31)877 C
Black#000000(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 0, 100)Black C
Charcoal#808080(128, 128, 128)(0, 0, 0, 50)425 C

Philadelphia Eagles Pantone Color Codes

The Philadelphia Eagles NFL team Pantone colors are PMS 316 C for midnight green, PMS 877 C for silver (jersey), PMS 8240 C for silver (helmet), PMS BLACK 6 C for black, and PMS 425 C for charcoal.

The Philadelphia Eagles Pantone color codes are specific to the team’s branding requirements.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles utilize these Pantone colors to ensure accurate and consistent color reproduction across all media. Midnight Green symbolizes vitality and a competitive spirit, essential to Philadelphia Eagles’ identity. Silver reflects precision and balance, enhancing the visual appeal of the team’s merchandise and promotional materials. Black projects strength and sophistication, providing a stark contrast to the vibrant Midnight Green. Charcoal offers stability and complements the primary and secondary colors. Philadelphia Eagles’ Pantone standards help maintain the Philadelphia Eagles’ iconic and recognizable branding.

ColorPantone Code
Midnight Green316 C
Silver877 C
BlackBlack C
Charcoal425 C

Philadelphia Eagles Color Codes HEX

The Philadelphia Eagles colors HEX codes are #004C54 for midnight green, #A5ACAF for silver (jersey), #ACC0C6 for silver (helmet), #000000 for black, and #808080 for charcoal.

The Philadelphia Eagles color codes in HEX are crucial for maintaining brand consistency in digital and print formats.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles ensure these HEX colors are used in all visual communications. Midnight Green serves as the primary color, symbolizing the lush, vibrant playing fields and reflecting the team’s dynamic play style. Silver provides a sleek, metallic finish that adds a contemporary edge to the team’s palette. Black offers depth and intensity, emphasizing power and determination within the team’s ethos. Charcoal acts as a neutral base, grounding the brighter colors and solidifying the overall aesthetic. Philadelphia Eagles’ HEX codes are essential tools for designers and manufacturers working with Philadelphia Eagles branded materials, guaranteeing color precision across various media.

ColorHEX Code
Midnight Green#004C54

Philadelphia Eagles Color Codes RGB

The Philadelphia Eagles colors RGB codes are (0, 76, 86) for midnight green, (165, 172, 175) for silver (jersey), (186, 202, 211) for silver (helmet), (0, 0, 0) for black, and (128, 128, 128) for charcoal colour.

The Philadelphia Eagles color codes in RGB are set to ensure visual consistency across all digital platforms.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles use these RGB values extensively in digital media. Midnight Green is vibrant and lively, reflecting the team’s energy and ambition. Silver adds a modern, technological flair, complementing the Midnight Green with its subtle and sleek shine. Black intensifies the color scheme, providing a powerful and imposing presence, while Charcoal offers a solid and reliable base that ties the palette together. Philadelphia Eagles’ RGB codes are crucial for maintaining the Philadelphia Eagles’ brand integrity in digital content, ensuring accurate color representation on screens worldwide.

ColorRGB Code
Midnight Green(0, 76, 86)
Silver(165, 172, 175)
Black(0, 0, 0)
Charcoal(128, 128, 128)

Philadelphia Eagles Color Codes CMYK

The Philadelphia Eagles colors CMYK codes are (100, 0, 30, 68) for midnight green, (5, 0, 0, 20) for silver (jersey), (10, 0, 0, 20) for silver (helmet), (0, 0, 0, 100) for black, and (0, 0, 0, 80) for charcoal color.

The Philadelphia Eagles color codes in CMYK are essential for print materials to match the official team colors accurately.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles ensure these CMYK configurations are used for all print media to reflect the team’s iconic colors properly. Midnight Green provides a deep, rich background, embodying strength and resilience, key attributes of the Philadelphia Eagles. Silver offers a crisp, metallic finish, enhancing the overall design by providing a contrast that highlights the primary Midnight Green. Black delivers solidity and depth, emphasizing the authoritative and powerful aspect of the team’s identity. Charcoal acts as a versatile secondary base, supporting the primary colors without overwhelming them. Philadelphia Eagles’ CMYK values are critical for maintaining color fidelity in Philadelphia Eagles’ merchandise, uniforms, and other branded materials, ensuring consistency across all physical products.

ColorCMYK Code
Midnight Green(100, 12, 0, 66)
Silver(5, 2, 0, 31)
Black(0, 0, 0, 100)
Charcoal(0, 0, 0, 50)

Philadelphia Eagles Logo Colors

Philadelphia Eagles logo colors are standardized in HEX, RGB, and CMYK formats to ensure brand consistency.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles utilize these colors in their logo to present a vibrant and dynamic image. Midnight Green reflects the team’s energetic and passionate nature, Silver provides a sharp and modern aesthetic, and Black emphasizes a powerful and formidable presence. Charcoal serves as a solid and reliable background that supports the primary motifs. Philadelphia Eagles’ logo employs these colors through careful consideration to maintain visual appeal and ensure immediate recognition in all forms of media. The precise application of these color codes is critical to maintaining the Philadelphia Eagles’ iconic status and brand integrity.

Philadelphia Eagles logo colors are precisely defined in multiple color systems to maintain consistency across all uses.

Midnight Green:




Philadelphia Eagles logo utilizes these colors to project the team’s vibrant and dynamic character. Midnight Green signifies growth and vigor, essential attributes of Philadelphia Eagles. Silver adds a clean, modern edge, enhancing the visual impact of the logo. Black brings depth and intimidation, fortifying the team’s aggressive and competitive spirit. Charcoal supports the primary colors, providing balance and unity within the logo. Philadelphia Eagles’ color specifications are critical to preserving the Philadelphia Eagles’ iconic and authoritative visual identity across all media and merchandise.

Philadelphia Eagles Logo Fonts

Philadelphia Eagles logo fonts enhance the team’s branding through specific typography choices.

Primary Font:

Name: Franchise

Style: Bold sans-serif

Purpose: Used for most of the team branding and player names on jerseys.

Secondary Font:

Name: Avenir Next

Style: Condensed bold

Purpose: Utilized for smaller text elements like jersey numbers and marketing materials.

Philadelphia Eagles select these fonts to align with their dynamic and strong visual identity. Franchise, with its bold and impactful style, reflects the robustness and tradition of Philadelphia Eagles. Avenir Next provides a modern contrast, offering clarity and readability, which supports secondary text needs effectively. Philadelphia Eagles’ typography choices are deliberate to promote brand consistency and recognition across all Philadelphia Eagles’ visual representations. Each font complements the team’s color scheme, ensuring that all elements of the logo and team materials are cohesive and resonate with fans and the media alike.

Philadelphia Eagles Logo JPG

Download the official Philadelphia Eagles logo in JPG format for a versatile use in various digital applications.

Philadelphia Eagles Logo JPG

Philadelphia Eagles Logo PNG

Access the high-resolution Philadelphia Eagles logo in PNG format, ideal for use with transparent backgrounds and quality graphic needs.

Philadelphia Eagles Logo PNG

Philadelphia Eagles Jersey

Philadelphia Eagles jersey colors include Midnight Green, Silver, Black, and Charcoal. The Midnight Green HEX code is #004C54, with RGB values of (0, 76, 86) and CMYK components of (100, 12, 0, 66). Silver appears as an accent color, bearing the HEX #A5ACAF, RGB representation (165, 172, 175), and CMYK values (5, 2, 0, 31). Black complements these as another primary color; its HEX code is #000000, and Philadelphia Eagles use RGB (0, 0, 0) and CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100) for Black. Lastly, Charcoal serves as a tertiary tone, detailed by HEX #808080, RGB values (128, 128, 128), and CMYK components (0, 0, 0, 50).

Philadelphia Eagles utilize these colors consistently across all branding and merchandise. Each color maintains a specific and strategic purpose, reflecting Philadelphia Eagles’ identity and legacy through visual design. This palette ensures Philadelphia Eagles’ appearance remains distinctive and instantly recognizable, affirming the team’s visual consistency.

Philadelphia Eagles Flag

The Philadelphia Eagles flag features the team’s official colors and logo prominently.

Colors Used: Midnight Green, Silver, Black, Charcoal

Philadelphia Eagles ensure the flag represents the team with visual elements that resonate with fans. The flag uses Midnight Green as a background, symbolizing the field of play and the team’s vigorous spirit. Silver stripes provide contrast, enhancing the flag’s visibility and aesthetic appeal. Black and Charcoal are used for detailing and the emblem, grounding the design with solidity and weight. This flag not only promotes team spirit but also serves as a significant symbol of Philadelphia Eagles pride during games and events. The consistent use of these colors maintains the Philadelphia Eagles’ brand integrity and recognition.


The Philadelphia Eagles colors—Midnight Green, Silver, Black, and Charcoal—serve not only as symbols of team spirit but also as essential elements of the Eagles’ brand identity. Philadelphia Eagles’ colors are used consistently in team jerseys, logos, and flags, ensuring that the Eagles are immediately recognizable both on and off the field. The specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes guarantee precise color matching for all media, reinforcing the visual consistency that fans and partners expect from the Philadelphia Eagles franchise. Philadelphia Eagles’ efforts maintain the historic and proud presentation of the Eagles’ visual identity.

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