Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Pittsburgh Steelers colors are integral to the team’s identity, instantly recognizable by fans across the nation. The classic Black, Gold, and White scheme not only represents the team’s apparel but also its logo, flags, and fan merchandise. This guide provides the exact HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes for each color, ensuring accuracy whether for digital media, print, or fabric production. These precise color specifications help maintain consistency across all platforms and products, fortifying the Pittsburgh Steelers’ visual brand integrity.

Pittsburgh Steelers Primary Logo Colors

Pittsburgh Steelers Primary Logo Colors encompass specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes that reflect the team’s iconic branding. The colors Black, Gold, and White dominate the logo, providing a striking visual identity that is instantly recognizable to fans and players alike.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black has a deep, bold tone that represents strength and sophistication. 

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold captures the spirit and success of the franchise with its bright and vibrant hue.

Pittsburgh Steelers White offers a clean and sharp contrast, enhancing the other colors used in the team’s palette.

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Each color in the Pittsburgh Steelers logo plays a critical role in the team’s visual representation, ensuring consistency and recognition in all forms of media.

ColorHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK CodePantone Code
Black#101820(16, 24, 32)(70, 60, 60, 100)Black 6 C
Gold#FFB612(255, 182, 18)(0, 25, 100, 0)1235 C
White#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)White

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX embody the team’s visual identity through specific and vibrant colors. The primary colors utilized in the Pittsburgh Steelers logo are Black, Gold, and White. These colors are prominent in the team’s branding and are used consistently across various media.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black symbolizes elegance and authority, which reflects in the team’s attire and merchandise.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold stands for excellence and tradition, echoing the team’s history of success and high standards.

Pittsburgh Steelers White represents purity and integrity, pivotal qualities that the franchise upholds.

Pittsburgh Steelers colors are crucial for brand consistency and recognition, ensuring the team’s identity remains impactful and instantly identifiable. Each color code aligns perfectly with the standards required for accurate reproduction and branding purposes.

ColorPantone CodeHEX CodeRGB CodeCMYK Code
BlackBlack 6 C#101820(16, 24, 32)(70, 60, 60, 100)
Gold1235 C#FFB612(255, 182, 18)(0, 25, 100, 0)
WhiteWhite#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)

Pittsburgh Steelers Pantone Color Codes

The Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team Pantone colors are PMS Black 6 C for black and PMS 1235 C for Steelers gold.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black conveys power and sophistication, a staple in the team’s identity. 

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold signifies achievement and valor, prominent in the team’s symbol of excellence.

Pittsburgh Steelers White symbolizes clarity and virtue, foundational to the team’s clean and honorable image.

Pantone: White

These Pantone colors help maintain the Pittsburgh Steelers’ iconic look, supporting brand consistency across various platforms and products. The specified Pantone codes are essential for any production involving team colors, guaranteeing accuracy and uniformity.

ColorPantone Code
BlackBlack 6 C
Gold1235 C

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes HEX

The Pittsburgh Steelers colors HEX codes are #101820 for black, and #FFB612 for Steelers gold.

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes HEX detail the precise HEXadecimal values used for web design and digital media. These codes represent the Pittsburgh Steelers’ traditional colors and ensure visual consistency in all digital representations.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black emphasizes strength and formality.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold reflects prosperity and success, vital to the team’s prestigious image.

Pittsburgh Steelers White conveys simplicity and precision, essential for contrast and clarity in design.

Pittsburgh Steelers utilize these HEX codes to maintain a consistent and professional appearance across all digital and print platforms, reinforcing the team’s branding efforts. These color specifications are critical for designers and manufacturers when reproducing the team colors accurately.

ColorHEX Code

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes RGB

The Pittsburgh Steelers colors RGB codes are (16, 24, 32) for black, and (255, 182, 18) for Steelers gold.

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes RGB are specified with exact values for digital and print media usage, ensuring brand consistency across various formats. These values define the essential colors used in Pittsburgh Steelers’ branding.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black represents a dominant and impactful presence.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold signifies vibrancy and energy, reflecting the team’s spirit.

Pittsburgh Steelers White promotes clarity and openness, providing a sharp contrast.

Pittsburgh Steelers rely on these RGB codes to maintain visual integrity in all digital representations, from web content to broadcast graphics. These precise RGB values are fundamental for achieving the correct coloration in Steelers’ digital and televised imagery.

ColorRGB Code
Black(16, 24, 32)
Gold(255, 182, 18)
White(255, 255, 255)

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes CMYK

The Pittsburgh Steelers colors CMYK codes are (70, 60, 60, 100) for black, and (0, 25, 100, 0) for Steelers gold.

Pittsburgh Steelers Color Codes CMYK ensure accurate color reproduction in printed materials by providing specific values for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks. These codes represent the foundational colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ identity.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black delivers depth and sophistication.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold radiates enthusiasm and excellence, true to the Steelers’ legacy.

Pittsburgh Steelers White offers a clean and stark contrast, vital for balance and legibility.

Pittsburgh Steelers use these CMYK codes in all print media to achieve the perfect match of their iconic colors, enhancing the team’s visual appeal. These values are crucial for maintaining color consistency across all types of merchandise and branding efforts.

ColorCMYK Code
Black(70, 60, 60, 100)
Gold(0, 25, 100, 0)
White(0, 0, 0, 0)

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo Colors

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo Colors are defined by specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK values that ensure uniformity and brand consistency. The logo prominently features Black, Gold, and White, which are symbolic of the team’s strong and prestigious identity.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black projects strength and elegance, a staple for the team’s visual representation.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold epitomizes excellence and victory, reflecting the team’s high standards and achievements.

Pittsburgh Steelers White emphasizes purity and clarity, providing a sharp contrast that enhances the other colors.

Pittsburgh Steelers use these colors in their logo to maintain a consistent and impactful appearance across all platforms, from merchandise to digital media. The specified codes are essential for reproducing the Pittsburgh Steelers colors accurately in all their applications.

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo utilizes a specific set of colors that are emblematic of the team’s identity and heritage. The logo features three core colors: Black, Gold, and White. These colors are not only a nod to the team’s visual identity but also play a significant role in merchandise and branding efforts.

Pittsburgh Steelers Black represents strength and authority, which is fundamental to the team’s image.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gold symbolizes excellence and tradition, mirroring the team’s successful history.

Pittsburgh Steelers White conveys simplicity and effectiveness, providing a clean backdrop that highlights the other colors.

Pittsburgh Steelers maintain these colors in their logo to ensure a consistent and recognizable appearance across all media, reinforcing the Pittsburgh Steelers brand effectively. These colors are crucial for maintaining visual consistency and are carefully reproduced in all team paraphernalia.

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo Fonts

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo Fonts are as distinctive as the team’s color palette, utilizing bold and impactful typography to complement the visual strength of the logo. The primary typefaces used in the Pittsburgh Steelers logo are Arial Rounded MT Bold and Stencil, which echo the robust, dynamic qualities of the team.

Arial Rounded MT Bold enhances the approachability and readability of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ visual communications.

Style: Sans-serif

Weight: Bold

Stencil contributes to the military and industrial vibe, aligning with the toughness associated with the team.

Style: Stencil

Weight: Regular

Pittsburgh Steelers employ these fonts strategically in their logo to project a strong and consistent image. Arial Rounded MT Bold offers a modern look that is easy on the eyes, while Stencil underscores the team’s gritty, competitive nature. These fonts ensure that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ textual displays are effective and coherent with their overall branding strategy.

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo JPG

Download the iconic Pittsburgh Steelers logo in JPG format, perfect for general use in digital media.

Pittsburgh Steelers Logo PNG

Get the crisp, transparent Pittsburgh Steelers logo in PNG format, ideal for design projects.

Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey

Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey prominently features the team’s traditional Black, Gold, and White color scheme, which symbolizes the franchise’s rich history and resilient identity. The design of the jersey ensures visibility and recognition, important during both home and away games.

Home Jerseys:

Primary Color: Black

Accent Color: Gold

Numbers and Lettering: White

Away Jerseys:

Primary Color: White

Accent Color: Black

Numbers and Lettering: Gold

Pittsburgh Steelers Jerseys utilize these colors not only for aesthetic appeal but also to maintain consistency with the team’s branding. The specific placement of colors enhances the jersey’s design, ensuring that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ jerseys are recognizable at a glance. The color codes provided ensure accurate reproduction of the team colors in all materials.

Pittsburgh Steelers Flag

Pittsburgh Steelers Flag features the team’s iconic Black, Gold, and White colors, designed to symbolize the team’s bold and competitive spirit. This flag is a common sight at games and signifies fan loyalty and team pride.

Main Field:

Color: Black

Diagonal Stripes:

Color: Gold

Stars and Emblem:

Color: White

Pittsburgh Steelers Flag uses these colors to maintain visual consistency with the team’s overall branding. The flag’s design features three hypocycloids in Gold, which stand out vividly against the Black background, each hypocycloid framed by White. These colors are not just aesthetic; they reflect the identity and heritage of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The accurate reproduction of these colors ensures the flag represents the Steelers authentically and proudly.


The Pittsburgh Steelers colors of Black, Gold, and White are not just a visual hallmark but also a symbol of the team’s enduring spirit and rich history. By using the specific HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes provided, fans and designers can ensure they capture the true Steelers colors, whether creating fan art, merchandise, or any team-related content. These codes serve as a standard guide to preserving the integrity and consistency of the Steelers’ branding efforts across all forms of media.

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