Texas Rangers Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Texas Rangers colors are a symbol of pride, tradition, and the spirited energy of the team and its fans. This palette, consisting of Royal Blue, Red, and White, not only adorns the Texas Rangers logo but also encapsulates the essence of the team’s identity across various mediums. Whether for digital design, print materials, or team merchandise, the exact Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes for these colors ensure consistency and recognizability. This guide provides a detailed look into the Texas Rangers color codes, offering designers and fans alike the information needed to match the team’s official hues accurately.

Texas Rangers Primary Logo Colors (2003 – present)

The Texas Rangers Primary Logo Colors (2003 – present) consist of a distinct palette that reflects the team’s branding and identity. The palette includes Royal Blue, Red, and White. These colors symbolize the team’s heritage and are a staple in the Texas Rangers’ visual representation.

Royal Blue represents loyalty and excellence. 

Red signifies passion and energy. 

White stands for purity and unity. 

The Texas Rangers incorporate these colors in their logo, uniforms, and merchandise, creating a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. Fans wear these colors proudly, showcasing their support for the Texas Rangers.

Royal BlueLoyalty, Excellence#003278(0, 50, 120)(100, 76, 12, 3)288 C
RedPassion, Energy#C0111F(192, 17, 31)(0, 100, 65, 23)186 C
WhitePurity, Unity#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)White

Texas Rangers Logo Colors (1994 – 2002)

The Texas Rangers logo colors from 1994 to 2002 embody a classic palette that includes Red, Blue, and White. These colors reflect the team’s strong identity and heritage.

Red symbolizes the passion and energy of the Texas Rangers.

Blue represents the loyalty and excellence of the Texas Rangers.

White stands for purity and unity in the Texas Rangers identity.

The Texas Rangers use these colors to maintain visual consistency in all their branding and marketing materials. The combination of Red, Blue, and White is iconic, enabling fans to instantly recognize the Texas Rangers’ presence in merchandise, promotional content, and team apparel.

Texas Rangers Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The Texas Rangers color codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX encapsulate the team’s vibrant identity. These codes facilitate brand consistency across digital and print platforms.

Royal Blue reflects the Texas Rangers’ spirit of loyalty and excellence.

Red symbolizes the energy and passion of the Texas Rangers.

White denotes purity and unity for the Texas Rangers.

Designers and marketers use these precise codes to ensure the Texas Rangers’ visual identity remains consistent. Fans and the community associate these colors with the Texas Rangers’ heritage and ethos. Merchandise and branding materials display these colors, solidifying the team’s visual presence.

Texas Rangers Pantone Color Codes

The Texas Rangers Pantone color codes are integral to maintaining the team’s brand consistency across all platforms.

Royal Blue, representing loyalty and excellence, is a key color for the Texas Rangers.

Red, symbolizing energy and passion, is another primary color for the Texas Rangers.

White, standing for purity and unity, completes the Texas Rangers’ color palette.

The Texas Rangers’ Pantone colors ensure the Texas Rangers’ logos, merchandise, and branding materials remain consistent and recognizable. By adhering to these specific Pantone codes, the Texas Rangers uphold their visual identity and connect with fans through a unified color scheme.

Texas Rangers Color Codes HEX

The Texas Rangers color codes HEX are crucial for digital design consistency.

Royal Blue, emblematic of loyalty and excellence for the Texas Rangers, is vibrant and striking.

Red, signifying the Texas Rangers’ energy and passion, is bold and vibrant.

White, symbolizing purity and unity for the Texas Rangers, is clean and crisp.

The Texas Rangers utilize these HEX codes in digital and web designs to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand identity. Adherence to these HEX codes ensures that the Texas Rangers’ digital presence is as dynamic and spirited as the team itself.

HEX Color Names for Texas RangersHEX Color Code for Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers Color Codes RGB

The Texas Rangers color codes RGB are essential for creating visuals that capture the team’s spirit.

Royal Blue, a symbol of loyalty and excellence for the Texas Rangers, shines brightly.

Red, reflecting the Texas Rangers’ energy and passion, is vivid and striking.

White, representing purity and unity for the Texas Rangers, is crisp and clear.

The Texas Rangers rely on these RGB codes for digital media and electronic displays to ensure the team’s colors are represented accurately and vibrantly. This adherence to precise RGB values helps maintain the integrity of the Texas Rangers’ brand across all digital platforms.

CMYK Color Names for Texas RangersCMYK Color Code for Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers Color Codes CMYK

The Texas Rangers color codes CMYK are integral for print materials that showcase the team’s vibrant identity.

Royal Blue, symbolizing loyalty and excellence for the Texas Rangers, stands out with deep saturation.

Red, embodying the Texas Rangers’ energy and passion, is striking and bold.

White, reflecting purity and unity for the Texas Rangers, remains unprinted, revealing the color of the paper or material.

The Texas Rangers employ these CMYK codes in the production of printed materials, ensuring the team’s hues are consistently replicated. This commitment to specific CMYK values guarantees the Texas Rangers’ colors are rendered accurately in all printed branding and promotional items.

CMYK Color Names for Texas RangersCMYK Color Code for Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers Logo Colors

The Texas Rangers logo colors are meticulously selected to represent the team’s identity and heritage.

Royal Blue signifies loyalty and excellence, a cornerstone of the Texas Rangers ethos.

Red embodies the passion and energy the Texas Rangers bring to the game.

White stands for purity and unity, essential values for the Texas Rangers community.

These colors ensure the Texas Rangers logo is instantly recognizable and resonates with fans. The use of these specific color codes across all branding materials maintains the visual consistency and identity of the Texas Rangers.

The Texas Rangers logo features colors that are deeply ingrained in the team’s identity.

Royal Blue, embodying loyalty and excellence, is prominent in the Texas Rangers logo.

Red highlights the passion and energy of the Texas Rangers.

White symbolizes purity and unity, rounding out the Texas Rangers logo palette.

These colors ensure the Texas Rangers logo is not only recognizable but also evokes the spirit and values of the team. The deliberate use of these color codes across branding materials solidifies the visual identity of the Texas Rangers.

Texas Rangers Logo Fonts

The Texas Rangers logo fonts embody the team’s dynamic and bold spirit.

The primary typeface used in the Texas Rangers logo is a custom serif font. This font features sharp, distinct serifs that convey strength and tradition. The boldness of the letters mirrors the team’s determination and resilience.

A secondary font used for player names and numbers is sleek and modern, providing a contrast to the primary typeface. This sans-serif font showcases the Texas Rangers’ adaptability and forward-thinking approach.

These fonts, combined with the Texas Rangers’ color palette, create a visual identity that is instantly recognizable and deeply connected to the team’s values. The careful selection of fonts for the Texas Rangers logo and uniforms reinforces the team’s commitment to excellence and unity.

Texas Rangers Logo JPG

The Texas Rangers logo JPG offers a versatile image format suitable for various digital applications.

Texas Rangers Logo PNG

The Texas Rangers logo PNG provides a transparent background for flexible use in graphics and web design.

Texas Rangers Jersey

The Texas Rangers jersey features the team’s iconic color scheme, symbolizing its rich heritage and dynamic spirit.

Royal Blue, representing loyalty and excellence, accents the jersey’s design.

Red, highlighting the team’s energy and passion, prominently adorns the Texas Rangers jersey.

White, symbolizing purity and unity, serves as the jersey’s primary background color.

The Texas Rangers jersey, incorporating these colors, not only unites players and fans but also stands as a testament to the team’s enduring legacy and commitment to excellence. The strategic use of these colors across the jersey ensures that the Texas Rangers’ identity is displayed with pride and passion.

Texas Rangers flag

The Texas Rangers flag proudly displays the team’s official colors, symbolizing its vibrant identity and spirited community.

Royal Blue, signifying loyalty and excellence, dominates the flag’s design.

Red, conveying the Texas Rangers’ energy and passion, accents the flag, creating a dynamic visual impact.

White, representing purity and unity, provides a stark contrast that enhances the flag’s other colors.

The Texas Rangers flag, incorporating these colors, serves as a beacon of team spirit and pride, uniting fans and players under a common banner. The careful selection of these colors ensures that the Texas Rangers flag is a symbol of the team’s enduring legacy and commitment to excellence.


Understanding the Texas Rangers color codes is essential for designers, fans, and marketers aiming to align with the team’s brand. The precise Hex, RGB, and CMYK values ensure consistency across digital and print platforms, reinforcing the Texas Rangers’ visual identity. By adhering to these codes, the Texas Rangers community continues to showcase its pride and passion, united under a common and vibrant color palette.

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