The Minnesota Wild color codes include the specific hex, RGB, CMYK, and PANTONE values used in their branding. These colors are essential for maintaining brand consistency across various media and merchandise. The primary colors for the Minnesota Wild are Forest Green, Iron Range Red, Harvest Gold, Wheat, and Minnesota Wheat. Based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, their biggest rival is the Colorado Avalanche.
Minnesota Wild Primary Logo Colors
The primary colors of the Minnesota Wild can be found in the table below.
RGB: (175, 35, 36)
CMYK: (0, 85, 72, 35)
HEX COLOR: #154734;
RGB: (2, 73, 48)
CMYK: (93, 24, 85, 68)
RGB: (237, 170, 0)
CMYK: (0, 30, 100, 0)
RGB: (226, 214, 181)
CMYK: (11, 12, 31, 0)
Color Codes of Minnesota Wild in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX.
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Iron Range Red | (175, 35, 36) | (0, 85, 72, 35) | PMS 187 C | #A6192E |
Forest Green | (2, 73, 48) | (93, 24, 85, 68) | PMS 3435 C | #154734 |
Harvest Gold | (237, 170, 0) | (0, 30, 100, 0) | PMS 124 C | #EAAA00 |
Minnesota Wheat | (226, 214, 181) | (11, 12, 31, 0) | PMS 468 C | #DDCBA4 |
Minnesota Wild Pantone Color Codes
The Minnesota Wild NHL team Pantone colors are PMS 187 C for iron range red, PMS 3435 C for forest green, PMS 124 C for harvest gold, and PMS 468 C for Minnesota wheat.
The iron range red Pantone color of the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
PMS 187 C
The forest green Pantone color of the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
PMS 3435 C
The harvest gold Pantone color of the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
PMS 124 C
The Minnesota wheat Pantone color of the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
PMS 468 C
Color Codes of Minnesota Wild as Pantone.
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Iron Range Red | PMS 187 C |
Forest Green | PMS 3435 C |
Harvest Gold | PMS 124 C |
Minnesota Wheat | PMS 468 C |
Minnesota Wild Color Codes HEX
The Minnesota Wild colors HEX codes are #A6192E for iron range red, #154734 for forest green, #EAAA00 for harvest gold, and #DDCBA4 for Minnesota wheat.
The iron range red HEX color code for the Minnesota Wild ice hockey team can be found below.
The forest green HEX colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
The harvest gold HEX colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
The Minnesota wheat HEX colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
Color Codes of Minnesota Wild as HEX
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Iron Range Red | #A6192E |
Forest Green | #154734 |
Harvest Gold | #EAAA00 |
Minnesota Wheat | #DDCBA4 |
Minnesota Wild Color Codes RGB
The Minnesota Wild colors RGB codes are (175,35,36) for iron range red, (2,73,48) for forest green, (237,170,0) for harvest gold, and (226,214,181) for minnesota wheat colour.
The iron range red RGB color code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(175, 35, 36)
The forest green RGB colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(2, 73, 48)
The harvest gold RGB colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(237, 170, 0)
The Minnesota wheat RGB colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(226, 214, 181)
Color Codes of Minnesota Wild as RGB.
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Iron Range Red | (175, 35, 36) |
Forest Green | (2, 73, 48) |
Harvest Gold | (237, 170, 0) |
Minnesota Wheat | (226, 214, 181) |
Minnesota Wild Color Codes CMYK
The Minnesota Wild colors CMYK codes are (0,85,72,35) for iron range red, (93,24,85,68) for forest green, (0,30,100,0) for harvest gold, and (11,12,31,0) for minnesota wheat color.
The iron range red CMYK color code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(0, 85, 72, 35)
The forest green CMYK colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(93, 24, 85, 68)
The harvest gold CMYK colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(0, 30, 100, 0)
The Minnesota wheat CMYK colour code for the Minnesota Wild can be found below.
(11, 12, 31, 0)
Color Codes of Minnesota Wild as CMYK
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Iron Range Red | (0, 85, 72, 35) |
Forest Green | (93, 24, 85, 68) |
Harvest Gold | (0, 30, 100, 0) |
Minnesota Wheat | (11, 12, 31, 0) |
Minnesota Wild Logo Colors
The colors of the Minnesota Wild logo include iron range red, forest green, harvest gold, and minnesota wheat. For iron range red, the color code is PANTONE: PMS 187 C, HEX: #A6192E, RGB: (175, 35, 36), and CMYK: (0, 85, 72, 35). The forest green color code is PANTONE: 3435 C, HEX: #154734, RGB: (2, 73, 48), and CMYK: (93, 24, 85, 68). The harvest gold color is represented by PANTONE: PMS 124 C, HEX: #EAAA00, RGB: (237, 170, 0), and CMYK: (0, 30, 100, 0). Lastly, minnesota wheat has the color code PANTONE: 468 C, HEX: #DDCBA4, RGB: (226, 214, 181), and CMYK: (11, 12, 31, 0).
Minnesota Wild Logo
What is the meaning behind the Minnesota Wild logo? The Minnesota Wild logo is a symbol rich in detail and meaning, representing the essence of Minnesota’s natural beauty. The logo features a wild animal’s silhouette, which cleverly forms both a forest landscape and the profile of a bear. This design captures the spirit of the wilderness and the wildlife found in the state.
The colors used in the Minnesota Wild logo are significant. The primary colors are Forest Green, Iron Range Red, Harvest Gold, and Minnesota Wheat. These colors reflect the natural environment of Minnesota, from the dense forests and the rugged iron range to the golden fields of wheat.
The combination of these elements creates a logo that is both visually striking and deeply meaningful, symbolizing the untamed wilderness and the team’s fierce determination.
Minnesota Wild Logo Color Palette Image Format
The Minnesota Wild logo colours can be found in an image format below.
Minnesota Wild Logo Fonts
The fonts used in the Minnesota Wild logo are bold and impactful. These fonts reflect the team’s rugged and adventurous spirit. The primary font, custom-designed for the team, features strong, angular lines. It evokes the untamed wilderness of Minnesota.
The lettering is often paired with the team’s signature colors: Forest Green, Iron Range Red, Harvest Gold, and Minnesota Wheat. These colors enhance the logo’s natural and outdoor theme. Together, the font and colors create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
Overall, the Minnesota Wild logo fonts are an integral part of the team’s visual representation. They convey strength, resilience, and a connection to nature.
Minnesota Wild Logo JPG
The Minnesota Wild logo JPG format can be found below.

To download the Minnesota Wild logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Minnesota Wild Logo PNG
The Minnesota Wild logo PNG format can be found below.

To download the Minnesota Wild logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.
Minnesota Wild Jersey
The Minnesota Wild jerseys feature forest green, iron range red, and harvest gold. These colors reflect the natural beauty of Minnesota’s landscapes. The primary home jersey is predominantly forest green, symbolizing the state’s lush forests.
The away jersey uses a crisp white base, complemented by forest green and iron range red accents. The alternate jerseys often incorporate more of the harvest gold, adding a vibrant touch. Each jersey proudly displays the team’s logo, a fierce wild animal set against a backdrop of the North Star.
Minnesota Wild jerseys are known for their distinctive and earthy color palette, capturing the essence of the state’s wilderness.