New Jersey Devils Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The New Jersey Devils color codes consist of three primary colors: red, black, and white. These colors are deeply embedded in the team’s identity and branding. Below are the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the New Jersey Devils. Based in Newark, New Jersey, the Devils fiercely rival the New York Rangers.

New Jersey Devils Primary Logo Colors

The primary colors of New Jersey Devils are as follows.

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
HSB: (42, 0, 100)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

New Jersey Devils Pantone Color Codes

The Pantone colors for the New Jersey Devils NHL team are PMS 186 C for red and PMS Black 6 C for black.



Color NamePantone Color Code
RedPMS 186 C
BlackPMS Black 6 C

New Jersey Devils Color Codes HEX

The HEX codes for the New Jersey Devils colors are #CE1126 for red, #000000 for black, and #FFFFFF for white.





Color NameHEX Color Code

New Jersey Devils Color Codes RGB

The RGB codes for the New Jersey Devils colors are (206, 17, 38) for red, (0, 0, 0) for black, and (255, 255, 255) for white.




(255, 255, 255)

Color NameRGB Color Code
Red(206, 17, 38)
Black(0, 0, 0)
White(255, 255, 255)

New Jersey Devils Color Codes CMYK

The CMYK codes for the New Jersey Devils colors are (2, 100, 85, 6) for red, (75, 68, 67, 90) for black, and (0, 0, 0, 0) for white.




(0, 0, 0, 0)

Color NameCMYK Color Code
Red(2, 100, 85, 6)
Black(75, 68, 67, 90)
White(0, 0, 0, 0)

New Jersey Devils Logo Colors

The New Jersey Devils logo features red, black, and white. The red in their logo is specified as Pantone PMS 186 C, with a Hex value of #CE1126, RGB values of (206, 17, 38), and CMYK values of (2, 100, 85, 6). The black is defined by Pantone PMS BLACK 6 C, Hex value #000000, RGB values of (0, 0, 0), and CMYK values of (75, 68, 67, 90). The white color code is Hex #FFFFFF, RGB (255, 255, 255), and CMYK (0, 0, 0, 0).

The New Jersey Devils logo features the colors red, black, and white, incorporating elements like horns, tails, and the letters ‘N’ and ‘J’ seamlessly merged. The logo represents both the initials of New Jersey and the team’s nickname, the Devils.

New Jersey Devils Logo Color Palette Image Format

The New Jersey Devils logo colours can be found in an image format below.

New Jersey Devils Logo Fonts

The New Jersey Devils logo fonts are bold and distinctive. The primary font used in the logo is a custom design, featuring sharp, angular lines that reflect the team’s aggressive and dynamic nature. This font complements the team’s iconic red, black, and white color scheme, which symbolizes power and intensity.

New Jersey Devils Logo JPG

The New Jersey Devils logo JPG format can be found below.

To download the New Jersey Devils logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.

New Jersey Devils Logo PNG

The New Jersey Devils logo PNG format can be found below.

To download the New Jersey Devils logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.

New Jersey Devils Jersey 2022

The New Jersey Devils Jersey for 2022 features a sleek and modern design. Predominantly in their classic red, black, and white colors, the jersey stands out with bold lines and a clean look. The primary color is a vibrant red, representing the team’s fiery spirit and passion.

Categories NHL