ES Troyes AC colors are blue, gold, and white. These colors are crucial in defining the team’s branding and visual appeal. Fans, designers, and enthusiasts often rely on these specific codes for accurate representation. The team colors of ES Troyes AC are provided below in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. Based in Troyes, France, ES Troyes AC considers Stade de Reims its primary rival.
ES Troyes AC Primary Colors
Hex: #006EB2
RGB: (0, 110, 178)
CMYK: (90, 55, 3, 0)
Hex: #DC9D0F
RGB: (220, 157, 15)
CMYK: (14, 40, 100, 1)
RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)
ES Troyes AC Pantone Color Codes
ES Troyes AC Ligue 1 team Pantone colors are PMS 2196 C for blue and PMS 7550 C for gold, and PMS White for white.
PMS 2196 C
PMS 7550 C
PMS White
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Blue | PMS 2196 C |
Gold | PMS 7550 C |
White | PMS White |
ES Troyes AC Color Codes HEX
ES Troyes AC colors HEX codes are #006EB2 for blue, #DC9D0F for gold, and #FFFFFF for white.
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Blue | #006EB2 |
Gold | #DC9D0F |
White | #FFFFFF |
ES Troyes AC Color Codes RGB
ES Troyes AC colors RGB codes are (0, 110, 178) for blue, (220, 157, 15) for gold, and (255, 255, 255) for white colour.
(0, 110, 178)
(220, 157, 15)
(255, 255, 255)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Blue | (0, 110, 178) |
Gold | (220, 157, 15) |
White | (255, 255, 255) |
ES Troyes AC Color Codes CMYK
ES Troyes AC colors CMYK codes are (90, 55, 3, 0) for blue, (14, 40, 100, 1) for gold, and (0, 0, 0, 0) for white color.
(90, 55, 3, 0)
(14, 40, 100, 1)
(0, 0, 0, 0)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Blue | (90, 55, 3, 0) |
Gold | (14, 40, 100, 1) |
White | (0, 0, 0, 0) |
ES Troyes AC Logo Colors
The colors of the ES Troyes AC logo are blue, gold, and white. The blue is represented by Pantone PMS 2196 C, Hex #006EB2, RGB (0, 110, 178), and CMYK (90, 55, 3, 0). The gold corresponds to Pantone PMS 7550 C, Hex #DC9D0F, RGB (220, 157, 15), and CMYK (14, 40, 100, 1). The white is identified with Hex #FFFFFF, RGB (255, 255, 255), and CMYK (0, 0, 0, 0).
ES Troyes AC Logo
The ES Troyes AC logo is a visual representation of the club’s identity. It features a clean, modern design with elements that reflect the team’s heritage and colors. The primary colors of the logo are blue and white, symbolizing strength and unity. Accents of gold add a touch of prestige and tradition. The logo’s shield shape represents resilience, while the typography within conveys the club’s professional and dynamic spirit. This iconic emblem is instantly recognizable to fans and rivals alike. ES Troyes AC’s logo perfectly captures the essence of its vibrant history and competitive nature.
ES Troyes AC Logo Color Palette Image Format
The ES Troyes AC logo colours can be found in an image format below.
ES Troyes AC Logo Fonts
The ES Troyes AC logo fonts reflect the club’s rich history and dynamic identity. These fonts complement the vibrant blue and white colors associated with the team. They convey a sense of tradition, professionalism, and energy. Designed with precision, the logo typography emphasizes clarity and modernity. It enhances the visual appeal of the club’s emblem, making it instantly recognizable. The font style aligns seamlessly with the club’s official colors. Together, they create a cohesive brand identity that resonates with fans and represents the spirit of ES Troyes AC.
ES Troyes AC Logo JPG
The ES Troyes AC logo JPG format can be found below.

ES Troyes AC Logo PNG
The ES Troyes AC logo PNG format can be found below.