FC Nantes colors are yellow and green. These colors represent the team’s heritage and are prominently featured in their logo, kits, and merchandise. Below are the FC Nantes team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats. FC Nantes represents the city of Nantes, France. Their main rival is Stade Rennais.
FC Nantes Primary Colors
PANTONE: PMS Yellow 012 C
Hex: #FCD405
RGB: (252, 212, 5)
CMYK: (2, 14, 99, 0)
Hex: #1B8F3A
RGB: (27, 143, 58)
CMYK: (81, 0, 59, 44)
FC Nantes Pantone Color Codes
FC Nantes Ligue 1 team Pantone colors are PMS Yellow 012 C for yellow and PMS 355 C for green.
PMS Yellow 012 C
PMS 355 C
Color Name | Pantone Color Code |
Yellow | PMS Yellow 012 C |
Green | PMS 355 C |
FC Nantes Color Codes HEX
FC Nantes colors HEX codes are #FCD405 for yellow and #1B8F3A for green.
PMS 355 C
Color Name | HEX Color Code |
Yellow | #FCD405 |
Green | #1B8F3A |
FC Nantes Color Codes RGB
FC Nantes colors RGB codes are (252, 212, 5) for yellow and (27, 143, 58) for green colour.
(252, 212, 5)
(27, 143, 58)
Color Name | RGB Color Code |
Yellow | (252, 212, 5) |
Green | (27, 143, 58) |
FC Nantes Color Codes CMYK
FC Nantes colors CMYK codes are (2, 14, 99, 0) for yellow and (81, 0, 59, 44) for green color.
(2, 14, 99, 0)
(81, 0, 59, 44)
Color Name | CMYK Color Code |
Yellow | (2, 14, 99, 0) |
Green | (81, 0, 59, 44) |
FC Nantes Logo Colors
The FC Nantes logo features yellow and green as its primary colors. The yellow is identified by Pantone PMS Yellow 012 C, with the Hex code #FCD405, RGB values (252, 212, 5), and CMYK composition (2, 14, 99, 0). The green corresponds to Pantone PMS 355 C, Hex code #1B8F3A, RGB values (27, 143, 58), and CMYK breakdown (81, 0, 59, 44).
FC Nantes Logo
The FC Nantes logo is a symbol of pride and tradition. It features the club’s signature yellow and green colors, reflecting its vibrant identity. These colors dominate the design, creating an unmistakable visual link to the team. The shield shape, a common element in football logos, adds a sense of heritage and strength. Within it, the iconic ship and ball represent the club’s maritime roots and football legacy. Together, these elements make the FC Nantes logo a powerful emblem of its rich history and passionate fanbase.
FC Nantes Logo Color Palette Image Format
The FC Nantes logo colours can be found in an image format below.
FC Nantes Logo Fonts
The FC Nantes logo fonts embody the club’s rich heritage and vibrant identity. These fonts are designed to complement the iconic yellow and green colors synonymous with FC Nantes. The typography exudes boldness and clarity, ensuring visibility across all platforms. It mirrors the club’s dynamic spirit and deep connection to its fan base. From jerseys to digital media, the logo fonts maintain consistency, reinforcing the team’s visual brand.
FC Nantes Logo JPG
The FC Nantes logo JPG format can be found below.

FC Nantes Logo PNG
The FC Nantes logo PNG format can be found below.