The colors of the Houston Dynamo FC are raven black and wildcatter orange. Houston Dynamo FC color codes are essential for maintaining the team’s brand identity. These codes ensure consistency across all visual media, from jerseys to marketing materials. You can find the team’s colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK formats listed below. Based in Houston, Texas, the biggest rival of Houston Dynamo FC is FC Dallas.
Houston Dynamo FC Primary Colors
The primary colors of the Houston Dynamo FC can be found in the table below.
HEX: #101820
RGB: (16, 24, 32)
CMYK: (82, 71, 59, 75)
HEX: #FF6B00
RGB: (255, 107, 0)
CMYK: (0, 72, 100, 0)
Color Codes of Houston Dynamo FC in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX.
Color Name | RGB Color Code | CMYK Color Code | Pantone Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Raven Black | (16, 24, 32) | (82, 71, 59, 75) | PMS Black 6 C | #101820 |
Wildcatter Orange | (255, 107, 0) | (0. 72, 100, 0) | PMS 1585 C | #FF6B00 |
Houston Dynamo FC Pantone Color Codes
The Houston Dynamo FC MLS team Pantone colors are PMS Black 6 C for raven black and PMS 1585 C for wildcatter orange.
The raven black Pantone color of the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
PMS Black 6 C
The wildcatter orange Pantone color of the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
PMS 1585 C
Color Codes of Houston Dynamo FC as Pantone
Color Code | Pantone Color Code |
Raven Black | PMS Black 6 C |
Wildcatter Orange | PMS 1585 C |
Houston Dynamo FC Color Codes HEX
The Houston Dynamo FC colors HEX codes are #101820 for raven black and #FF6B00 for wildcatter orange.
The raven black HEX color code for the Houston Dynamo FC soccer team can be found below.
The wildcatter orange HEX colour code for the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
Color Codes of Houston Dynamo FC as HEX
Color Code | HEX Color Code |
Raven Black | #101820 |
Wildcatter Orange | #FF6B00 |
Houston Dynamo FC Color Codes RGB
The Houston Dynamo FC colors RGB codes are (16, 24, 32) for raven black and (255, 107, 0) for wildcatter orange colour.
The raven black RGB color code for the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
(16, 24, 32)
The wildcatter orange RGB colour code for the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
(255, 107, 0)
Color Codes of Houston Dynamo FC as RGB
Color Code | RGB Color Code |
Raven Black | (16, 24, 32) |
Wildcatter Orange | (255, 107, 0) |
Houston Dynamo FC Color Codes CMYK
The Houston Dynamo FC colors CMYK codes are (82, 71, 59, 75) for raven black and (0, 72, 100, 0) for wildcatter orange color.
The raven black CMYK color code for the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
(82, 71, 59, 75)
The wildcatter orange CMYK colour code for the Houston Dynamo FC can be found below.
(0, 72, 100, 0)
Color Codes of Houston Dynamo FC as CMYK
Color Code | CMYK Color Code |
Raven Black | (82, 71, 59, 75) |
Wildcatter Orange | (0, 72, 100, 0) |
Houston Dynamo FC Logo Colors
The colors of the Houston Dynamo FC logo are raven black and wildcatter orange. The raven black color is specified as Pantone PMS Black 6 C, with the Hex code #101820, RGB values (16, 24, 32), and CMYK values (82, 71, 59, 75). The wildcatter orange color is defined as Pantone PMS 1585 C, with the Hex code #FF6B00, RGB values (255, 107, 0), and CMYK values (0, 72, 100, 0).
Houston Dynamo FC Logo
The Houston Dynamo FC logo symbolizes the club’s vibrant identity. The design incorporates elements that reflect the team’s dynamism and connection to Houston. The bold orange and black colors represent energy and resilience.
The logo features a distinctive hexagonal shape, signifying strength and unity. Inside the hexagon, a stylized “H” and “D” interlock, emphasizing the team’s initials. The use of sharp lines and modern typography conveys a sense of forward momentum.
Houston Dynamo FC Logo Fonts
Houston Dynamo FC logo fonts are integral to the team’s visual identity. The primary font used in the logo is bold and modern, reflecting the dynamic energy of the club. This font pairs well with the team’s striking color palette, which features vibrant orange and black.
The font’s clean lines and strong presence echo the robustness of the Houston Dynamo FC’s performance on the field. It ensures the logo stands out on various platforms, from jerseys to digital media. This consistency helps reinforce brand recognition and loyalty among fans.
Houston Dynamo FC Logo JPG
The Houston Dynamo FC logo JPG format can be found below.

To download the Houston Dynamo FC logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.
Houston Dynamo FC Logo PNG
The Houston Dynamo FC logo PNG format can be found below.

To download the Houston Dynamo FC logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.