Philadelphia Union Color Codes

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Written By Hrishikesh Pardeshi

The Philadelphia Union’s colors are navy blue, gold, and signal blue. Navy blue symbolizes the historic connection to the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Gold represents the richness of the Philadelphia region’s culture and heritage. Signal blue signifies the city’s connection to the Delaware River and its importance as a major port.

The Philadelphia Union’s primary colors with their Pantone, HEX, RGB, and CMYK color codes are as follows.

Navy Blue.


Signal Blue.

These colors represent the Philadelphia Union.

Color Codes of Philadelphia Union in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameRGB Color CodeCMYK Color CodePantone Color CodeHEX Color Code
Navy Blue(7, 27, 44)(91, 77, 54, 68)PMS 296 C#071B2C
Gold(177, 155, 105)(31, 34, 67, 3)PMS 7503 C#B19B69
Signal Blue(62, 142, 222)(71, 37, 0, 0)PMS 279 C#3E8EDE

Philadelphia Union Pantone Color Codes

The Philadelphia Union MLS team Pantone colors are PMS 296 C for navy blue, PMS 7503 C for gold, and PMS 279 C for signal blue.

The navy blue Pantone color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

The gold Pantone color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

The signal blue Pantone color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

Here are the pantone color codes for each,

Color NamePantone Color Code
Navy BluePMS 296 C
GoldPMS 7503 C
Signal BluePMS 279 C

Philadelphia Union Color Codes HEX

The Philadelphia Union colors HEX codes are #071B2C for navy blue, #B19B69 for gold, and #3E8EDE for signal blue.

The navy blue HEX color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

The gold HEX color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

The signal blue HEX color of the Philadelphia Union is given by.

Color NameHEX Color Code
Navy Blue#071B2C
Signal Blue#3E8EDE

These HEX codes represent the team’s colors for digital and web applications.

Philadelphia Union Color Codes RGB

The Philadelphia Union colors RGB codes are (7, 27, 44) for navy blue, (177, 155, 105) for gold, and (62, 142, 222) for signal blue colour.

The navy blue RGB color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

The gold RGB color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

The signal blue RGB color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

These RGB values represent the team’s colors for digital and design applications.

Color Codes of Philadelphia Union as RGB

Color NameRGB Color Code
Navy Blue(7, 27, 44)
Gold(177, 155, 105)
Signal Blue(62, 142, 222)

Philadelphia Union Color Codes CMYK

The Philadelphia Union colors CMYK codes are (91, 77, 54, 68) for navy blue, (31, 34, 67, 3) for gold, and (71, 37, 0, 0) for signal blue color.

The navy blue CMYK color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

The gold CMYK color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

The signal blue CMYK color code for the Philadelphia Union is given as.

Color Codes of Philadelphia Union as CMYK

Color NameCMYK Color Code
Navy Blue(91, 77, 54, 68)
Gold(177, 155, 105)
Signal Blue(62, 142, 222)

Philadelphia Union Logo Colors

The Philadelphia Union logo features navy blue, gold, and signal blue. The navy blue is represented by Pantone PMS 296 C, with a Hex Color of #071B2C, RGB values of (7, 27, 44), and CMYK values of (91, 77, 54, 68). The gold color is Pantone PMS 7503 C, with a Hex Color of #B19B69, RGB values of (177, 155, 105), and CMYK values of (31, 34, 67, 3). Lastly, the signal blue is Pantone PMS 279 C, with a Hex Color of #3E8EDE, RGB values of (62, 142, 222), and CMYK values of (71, 37, 0, 0).

The Philadelphia Union logo features navy blue, gold, and signal blue colors, incorporating a circular design. The upper half of the circle contains the word “Philadelphia,” while the lower half is adorned with 13 stars. In the center, there is a shield with the word “Union” above a coiled snake, which is set against a blue stripe. This logo is rich in symbolism, representing unity through its use of 13 stars, which symbolize the original Thirteen Colonies. The coiled snake is a historical reference to the dangers of disunity, echoing sentiments from the Revolutionary War era.

Philadelphia Union Logo Color Palette Image Format

The Philadelphia Union logo colours can be found in the image format below.

Philadelphia Union Logo Fonts

The Philadelphia Union logo features the word “Philadelphia” in an uppercase serif font, possibly a variation of a classic typeface like Times New Roman or Baskerville. The word “Union” appears in a bold, sans-serif font, providing a strong contrast to the more traditional font used for “Philadelphia.” The overall combination of fonts gives the logo a balanced and classic look.

Philadelphia Union Logo JPG

The Philadelphia Union logo JPG format is given below.

To download the Philadelphia Union logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.

Philadelphia Union Logo PNG

The Philadelphia Union logo PNG format is given below.

To download the Philadelphia Union logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.